IHMM Remotely Proctored Exams Available Now
IHMM is pleased to announce that the American National Standards Institute [ANSI] has approved Kryterion Remotely Proctored Exams for IHMM’s CHMM, CHMP, and CDGP exams. IHMM has been using the Kryterion Remotely Proctored Exams for the CSHM and CSMP exams since April of this year.
About 60% of Kryterion in-person testing centers have reopened. If you prefer the comfort and convenience of taking your exam from your home or office instead of at a Kryterion center, IHMM is ready to enroll you in a remotely proctored examination.
Please contact either Kortney Tunstall at [email protected] for the CHMM, CHMP, or CDGP exams or Kaylene Cagle at [email protected] for the CSHM or CSMP exams.
Phone: 301-984-8969 | [email protected]
Follow IHMM on Twitter
IHMM Credential Recognition
Below you will see the 3 EHS credential badges that are now in each CSHM, CSMP, and ASHM certificant’s MYIHMM account. Every IHMM certificant may use these badges, linked as those below are to their IHMM credential page, for their email signatures, business cards, and other social media applications. You’re justifiably proud of the accomplishment of having earned your credential and you can show the rest of the world. Simply right-click on the badge of choice, then save as to your computer, and then load it to wherever you want to use it and please link that back to https://ihmm.org/.
IHMM is a member of ASSP and is pleased to send along this important information to IHMM certificants…
How to Conduct a Risk Assessment
Risk assessment can be broken down into a four-step process. Step one is to gather data which allows you to develop an understanding of the hazards and risks that exist within your facility and how they affect worker safety. There are four key components of collecting and using information for your risk assessment.
Risk Education Week | June 7 – 11, 2021
Stay at the forefront of continuously evolving risk management tools and methods by joining your peers for a focused week of risk education. Get practical guidance on how to apply techniques from world-class instructors to help your organization assess and manage risk. As leaders in their fields, ASSP approved instructors are the best of the best. We carefully review and confirm their credentials, experience, and teaching abilities to bring you the most up to date education available in the safety industry.
CALL TO ACTION – Representative Spanberger of Virginia’s 7th Congressional District has drafted legislation entitled, H.R. 2171, “Freedom To Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act.” This legislation expands the provisions of existing law with respect to the allowable uses of Section 529 education tuition accounts.
PLEASE GO HERE TO PARTICIPATE: https://ihmm.org/45-in-5-task-force/
All you have to do is enter your name, address, and zip code and the IHMM VoterVoice system does the rest and automatically sends our message to your Senators and members of the House of Representatives. It’s very easy and matters!
A 529 plan is a tax-advantaged savings plan designed to encourage saving for future education costs. 529 plans, legally known as “qualified tuition plans,” are sponsored by states, state agencies, or educational institutions and are authorized by Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code. Under H.R. 2171 those pursuing or who already have private credentials may use their Section 529 savings for applications, examinations, professional development/certification maintenance points costsrecertification, and so on.
The “Freedom To Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act” will enable those who seek professional, post-secondary credentials from institutions recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. A copy of the draft legislation is here.
Spanberger co-led the introduction of the legislation alongside U.S. Representatives Fred Upton (R-MI-06), Dean Phillips (D-MN-03), and Rob Wittman (R-VA-01). A companion bill in the U.S. Senate is led by U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Mike Braun (R-IN).
On-Site Consultation Program
OSHA’s On-Site Consultation Program offers no-cost and confidential occupational safety and health services for small and medium-sized business in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and several U.S. territories. When employers use consultation services, the employers and their workers experience benefits that include lower injury and illness rates, improved morale, and economic benefits. In fact, the On-Site Consultation Program generates national economic benefits of approximately $1.3 billion per year.
National Safety Council
IHMM is a member of the National Safety Council and is pleased to bring this important information to all of its certificants.
Join NSC and our sponsor VelocityEHS – Award-winning EHS & Sustainability Software – for the 25th anniversary of National Safety Month, an annual observance to help keep each other safe from the workplace to anyplace.
With the U.S. seeing the highest number of workplace deaths since 2007 – 5,333 fatal workplace injuries in 2019 – this observance is more important than ever.
SAFER guidance evolves as vaccine distribution continues
National Safety Council Says Employers Should Take Risk-Based Approach to CDC Mask Guidance
NSC creates task force to provide guidance on returning to work safely
NSC Webinars
June 2 – Webinar: OSHA Safety Training – How to Make it Effective
June 2: A Step-by-Step OH&S Impact Guide to Biden’s Infrastructure Spending Plan
June 2: Managing Safety Exposures Associated With Industrial Energized Assets to Prevent Serious Injuries and Fatalities
June 8: How to Create an Engaging Hybrid Training Environment
June 10: What is ISO 45001? And What Impact Will It Have on Your Business?
June 17: Could You Do More to Reduce Your Manufacturing Workplace Safety Risks?
June 17: Oil & Gas: Using Data to Understand and Address Safety and Health Issues
June 23: Why category management and data analytics are essential in the fight against supply chain waste
Please join us in participating in Safe + Sound Week from August 9-15, 2021. Safe + Sound Week is a nationwide event held each August to show your business’s commitment to keep workers safe year-round. Safe + Sound Week is also a time when information and ideas are shared to help get your safety and health program started or improve an existing program.
Download the Save the Date and share that you’ll be participating in Safe + Sound Week on social media using #SafeAndSoundAtAWork.
Registration opens in July and will be announced via IHMM Today and EHS Professional.
Take the Pledge
When management leadership is sincere and is supported by actions, workers know that safety and health are important to business success. Top management can demonstrate its commitment to workplace safety and health in many different ways, such as by developing and communicating a safety pledge. Download A Safety and Health Pledge for Managers template, choose specific actions you will take to support workplace safety and health, and share the pledge with your workers and on social media using #SafeAndSoundAtAWork.
Due to the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic and its cascading effects on safety and health, work, travel, and large gatherings, all SafetyFOCUS events are now virtual. Our hope is that this format will make SafetyFOCUS events more accessible while offering the same networking opportunities and high-quality education you expect from ASSP. IHMM is a member of ASSP and we are pleased to send all IHMM certificants and you may learn more here.
Safety and Health This Week
Wearables in the Workplace: What You Need to Know
NIOSH CIB on Health Effect of Occupational Exposure to Silver Nanomaterials Includes REL for Silver Nanomaterials
All Hands Fire Equipment Offering Best Pricing For N95 NIOSH Masks
SAFER guidance evolves as vaccine distribution continues
Long working hours kill 745,000 people a year, WHO and ILO estimate
How Engaged Are You With Your Workers?
Why Employers Should Invest in Worker Safety
What Makes a Qualified Electrical Worker?
Navigate safety in the future world of work
Risk assessments: Establish your purpose
Feeling stressed at work?
Latest Safety Tips
How to Keep Employees Safe in 2021
Tips For Drivers, Motorcyclists To Safely Share The Road
Safety Shower Solutions in Freezing and Challenging Work Environments
Latest Workplace Solutions
IHMM & AHMP 45 in 5 Project – National Credential Recognition – 21 States Targeted
On January 25th, we began outlining the strategy to go after the 21 states in yellow, above. Since then we have succeeded in adding Nebraska, Colorado, and California.
This is just the beginning. Here is the present composition of the 45 In 5 Task Force and the states we are focusing on. More people may volunteer anytime! https://ihmm.org/45-in-5-task-force/
- Washington state AHMP chapter is about to file its material seeking recognition of the CHMM with the state and that can serve as a template for other states – MTCA regulatory update in your library.
- We need everyone to engage their federal House and Senate Members on HR 2171, here > https://ihmm.org/45-in-5-task-force/
- Every IHMM credential page now has a section on “Who Hires…” and you can see the CHMM version here > https://ihmm.org/chmm/ The federal and state agencies that recognize our credentials is extraordinary ranging from EPA to NASA and private sector companies from Abbvie to Texas Instruments. This is a great foundation on which to build formal govt recognition
- When Oracle in Karnataka, India needs an Environmental Health and Safety Manager, Oracle looks for an IHMM CSHM.
- Explore with Erik Vega in Puerto Rico on the approach to agencies there.
- The CSHM and CSMP will have new blueprints by the 4th q of this year, so our efforts on behalf of both should wait until that project is completed.
- Any other areas where we need attention?
- We can launch on the regulatory update of https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/40/312.10 40 CFR 312.10 this summer
- We can launch on the regulatory update of SBA guidance to lenders for Phase I and II assessments this summer, anything else from the last meeting on this topic? Environmental Phase I Assessment Reports in your library
In 2019 Mark Bruce from AHMP and Gene Guilford from IHMM worked on a project to get the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to recognize the CHMM and CDGT credentials. With Mark’s work on the ground in Pennsylvania, we succeeded.
Since the launch, we have added Delaware, Florida, Texas, California, Washington, Georgia, Ohio, Tennessee, Alabama, Maryland, Virginia, Massachusetts, Missouri, Iowa, North Carolina, Colorado, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, New Mexico, and Puerto Rico as the next places for us to work on with 44 volunteers.
Let’s get the rest of the country on board. Volunteer using this form: AHMP/IHMM 45 in 5 Project
Who Hires ASHMs?
IHMM credentials are known and highly regarded worldwide. Below is the evidence of just a few reasons why IHMM promotion of its credentials – all of them – matters to governments, employers, and the employees who work so hard to acquire our credentials and keep them up-to-date. Here are only a few examples of the companies and governments that hire IHMM ASHMs…

California Officials Delay COVID-19 Workplace Safety Rule Changes
Vote on California workplace safety changes to be held on June 3
New york to Set Workplace Safety Standards for Airborne Diseases
Workplace Safety and Wellness is the Top Priority for Business Leaders in 2021
OSHA’s Strategic Partnership with Holder Construction, Georgia Tech Results in Improved Workplace Safety Conditions and Increased Involvement From Workers With Their Safety
WFIA Honors Businesses for Outstanding Workplace Safety
OSHA won’t enforce ruling on counting vaccine reactions as ‘recordable injuries’
Public Health 101 failure’: CDC mask decision may knock out Biden’s workplace Covid crackdown
Can an employer ask if you’re vaccinated in the US?
New OSHA Standards Are Coming for COVID-19. Better Late Than Never?
Walking-Working Surfaces, HazCom Clarifications Proposed by OSHA
Oregon OSHA considers wildfire smoke, extreme heat protections for outdoor workers
The Next Frontier of Workplace Safety
New York State’s HERO Act Imposes New Workplace Health And Safety Obligations On Employers
CDC Experts Discuss Evolving COVID-19 Workplace Safety Rules
Labor Law: Virginia employers need to comply with workplace safety rules which conflict with the CDC and governor’s order
State budget deal withdraws proposed permanent COVID-19 workplace safety rules
Amazon (AMZN) Launches Employee-Designed Health and Safety Program called WorkingWell Across U.S. Operations
Is Your Company One of America’s Safest Companies?
Entering the Alligator Pit: An Overview of Confined Space Standards
Eight Steps for Ensuring Your Emergency Shower Equipment is Ready for Action
The National Fire Protection Association Establishes a New Standard to Help Against Cannabis Fires in the Workplace
Powerful N.J. lawmaker questions whether Chemical Safety Board can do its job
2 Years After Disastrous Deer Park Chemical Fire, Texas Close To Creating New Safety Rules For Industry
EPA Officials: Agency Deviated from ‘Typical Procedures’ in 2018 Dicamba Registration Decision
Walking-Working Surfaces, HazCom Clarifications Proposed by OSHA
South Jersey residents sue chemical companies over ‘public health catastrophe’
States with the Highest Rates of Severe Injuries in the Workplace
The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Passes in the House
GAO Issues Guidance on Building Resilient Roads & Highways
Why Employers Should Invest in Worker Safety
OSHA Proposes Clarification of Handrail and Stair Rail System Requirements for Safety
![]() ASSP News
ASSP Seminars
IHMM is a member of ASSP and is pleased to provide this information to all of our certificants. |
HMS Donations
One of the most important projects of the Hazardous Materials Society is our Scholarship program.
HMS wants to make it as easy as possible for those who cannot always afford to participate in pursuing certification, or keeping up with professional development, or attending great conferences and receiving outstanding training. HMS does not solicit contributions from the general public. HMS does ask IHMM’s certificants and their companies and our education and training vendors to consider a contribution.
Here, through your generosity, you can make a difference in promoting the ability of those who can afford it least to become participants in our communities of practice.
It’s never too late to make a difference, so don’t let this opportunity to make a difference pass you by. Please consider a tax-deductible donation of $250, $500 or what you can to help build HMS’s effort to help others in our communities of practice.
HMS Education and Training
Hazardous Materials Society now has 11,701 education and training programs on its website https://hazmatsociety.org/education-training/ with more coming every week. Certificants will note that most of these programs carry a CMP value, making it easier to know in advance what to expect. The HMS Education and Training platform also provides a wide variety of courses for professional development across all of IHMM’s credentials – and more are being developed by the HMS Education and Training Committee.
This is the center of education and training for IHMM certificants and prospective certificants. Among these more than 15.000 programs are webinars delivered online and virtually all carry IHMM CMPs values with them for your annual / 5-year CMP planning. SEE: https://hazmatsociety.org/education-training/
HMS Affinity Programs – CINTAS Uniforms
With more than 27,000 people – here is where HMS leverages our numbers for member’s benefit. There is strength and value in numbers and that translates into lower costs for you.
Save up to 65% off Cintas uniforms, safety and facility services.
Keep your team and workspace looking their best. New Cintas contracts enjoy special discounts and a free one-time UltraClean service and free installation of hygiene dispensers. Enroll with NPP today and save on Cintas!
Enroll your business for FREE with NPP to learn more about Cintas discounts. Enroll with NPP here: https://mynpp.com/association/hms/
IHMM/HMS Coronavirus Resources
In February of 2020, the World Health Organization’s director-general has declared a public health emergency of international concern over the ongoing outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus. On March 13, 2020 President Trump declared a national emergency for the United States. IHMM and HMS’ first concern is with the safety and health of all of us; our staff and families, colleagues, certificants and members. We will update this page regularly as credible, authoritative information is available.
COVID-19 Data Tracker By State
COVID-19 Case Investigation and Contact Tracing in Non-Healthcare Workplaces
COVID-19 Weekly Review – May 21, 2021
CDC Communications Toolkit
Are adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine recordable on the OSHA recordkeeping log?
OSHA Abruptly Reverses Course, Says Employers Will Not Be Liable for COVID Vaccine Injuries After All
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration now says employers who mandate COVID vaccines will not be required to treat adverse reactions as “recordable injuries,” thus eliminating employers’ concerns about vaccine injuries impacting their safety record…. read more
State Vaccination Distribution Plans
New! Vaccine Data Dashboard. We now have a specific dashboard dedicated to state vaccination plans, updated daily. For each state, you’ll find:
- Current distribution phase,
- Brief overview of state plan,
- Current and future eligible populations, and
- Links to state documentation.
Member Benefits of Hazardous Materials Society
81% of IHMM certificants are aware of the Hazardous Materials Society, which we appreciate. IHMM established the Hazardous Materials Society in order to support and provide services to IHMM certificants.
Did You Know?
Your company’s membership dues for Associate Membership in the Hazardous Materials Society (HMS) are 100% tax-deductible and your participation directly supports scholarship and education/training opportunities for professionals working in hazmat and EHS. Joining as an Associate Member expresses your commitment and your company’s leadership in giving back to our professional community. Join today to claim your tax deduction for the 2020 tax year while expressing your company’s professional affiliation and accessing tools for your marketing and business development plans.
To learn more about what HMS is doing now and what they are planning for the future, please see the new Member Benefits page here.
A Collaborative Culture
There are 406 different conversations going on in the IHMM/HMS Collaboration platform this week. A collaborative culture is important for every business but is especially important for our hazardous materials, dangerous goods, environment, health, and safety communities of practice. IHMM credentialed professionals are at the top 1% of their professions and their reach is global. We are at the forefront of environmental protection, health, and safety and this is where collaborating with the best people in their fields, always willing to help one another, lessens the stress of our jobs, and where we strive as a team to make a difference of which we are proud.
We opened COLLABORATION to enable thousands of certificants and supporters to collaborate together. You can collaborate here> https://community.ihmm.org/home

Retiring? IHMM Invites You to Become an Emeritus
You may have decided, after a long and successful career, to retire from active daily duty. Congratulations. That doesn’t mean you have to completely disengage from your profession. IHMM is pleased to offer Emeritus status to all certificants who will no longer be actively engaged in their communities of practice but who still want to stay in touch. Please let us know when you’re approaching that decision and we will assist you in the credential transition. Please contact Jim Drosdak at [email protected] and he’ll be happy to help you.
Columbia Southern University
The Hazardous Materials Society [HMS] is a partner of Columbia Southern University. Columbia Southern University is an online university based in Orange Beach, Alabama, that strives to change and improve lives through higher education by enabling students to maximize their professional and personal potential.
A subsidiary of Columbia Southern Education Group, CSU offers online degree programs at the associate, bachelor, master, doctorate or certificate levels in a multitude of areas such as occupational safety and health, fire administration, criminal justice, business administration, human resource management, health care administration and more. CSU also features undergraduate and graduate certificate programs to provide focused training in specialized areas for adult learners.
Click on the CSU graphic at left and learn more about the professional development and degree program opportunities at CSU.
IHMM will attend and support a number of conferences and trade shows throughout 2021, virtually as well as in-person as COVID issues allow. Below are some of the conferences IHMM will support in 2021.
Are there conferences you believe IHMM should attend that do not appear here? If so, let us know! Sent an email to Diane McLevy at [email protected] and tell us what conferences we should attend.
AHMP 2021 National Conference
July 25-28, 2021
Sheraton Kansas City at Crown Center
Kansas City, Missouri
College & University Hazardous Materials Management Conference
August 7-12, 2021
Denver, Colorado
This conference is currently planned as being in-person
ASSP Safety21 Conference & Expo
September 13-15, 2021
Austin, Texas
Registration for ASSP’s Safety 2021 Now Open
This is an in-person conference with a virtual component.

Beltway Buzz – Ogletree & Deakins
The Biden Administration at 100 Days. President Joe Biden recently marked his 100th day in office, and labor and employment policy changes have been at the forefront of his administration’s agenda. The enactment of the American Rescue Plan Act, passage of the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act (H.R. 842) in the U.S. House of Representatives, rescission of the independent contractor rule by the U.S. Department of Labor, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) development of a COVID-19 emergency temporary standard (currently in flux) are just a few examples of the policy changes that have already occurred or been undertaken. We have some brief rundowns of the most significant labor and employment actions of the last 100 days, both in Congress and at the federal agencies.
OSHA, CDC, and Masks. A top employment law priority for the administration—the promulgation of an emergency temporary standard (ETS) to address COVID-19 workplace safety concerns—continues to be the subject of debate in Washington, D.C. First, in a process that we discussed last week (see “ETS AWOL?”), officials in the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) continue to meet with stakeholders on the matter. As of this writing, OIRA has extended the period for those meetings until at least May 24, 2021. Second, last week’s announcement from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) easing mask-wearing recommendations for vaccinated individuals has many wondering how OSHA will respond, and whether the draft ETS may have to be amended as a result of the CDC’s guidance. In the meantime, OSHA is instructing employers to “refer to the CDC guidance for information on measures appropriate to protect fully vaccinated workers.”
More Workplace Safety News. Of course, workplace safety goes beyond COVID-19 protections. In other OSHA news, the workplace safety agency issued a notice of proposed rulemaking proposing to update the handrail and stair rail provisions of its 2016 final rule on walking-working surfaces and personal protective equipment. The proposed changes are intended to remove confusion (partly due to typos and formatting goofs) as to “when handrails are required on stairs as well as what the height requirements are for handrails on stairs and for stair rail systems, depending on date of installation.” Comments are due by July 19, 2021.
Senate Rescinds EEOC Conciliation Rule. On May 19, 2021, the U.S. Senate voted 50–48 to rescind the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC) conciliation rule pursuant to the Congressional Review Act. The rule, which was finalized on January 14, 2021, and went into effect on February 16, 2021, requires the EEOC to provide employers with more information during the statutorily required conciliation process, such as notifying employers of the legal basis for reasonable cause findings. Having passed the Senate, the resolution of disapproval now heads to the House, where it is expected to pass. President Biden is expected to sign the resolution rescinding the rule.
Paid Leave Debate Heats Up. On May 18, 2021, the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions held a hearing on paid leave (both family/medical and sick leave). The hearing was not the first, nor will it be the last, on the matter, but it was further indication of the political momentum that continues to build for some form of a national paid leave program. The COVID-19 pandemic and its fallout have brought a renewed focus to the issue of unpaid time off work, and President Biden has called for the creation of a comprehensive paid leave program in his American Families Plan. Additionally, the growing patchwork of state and local paid leave laws has at least some members of the business community itching for a uniform, national framework (depending on the details, of course). In addition to paying close attention to the American Families Plan, the Buzz is monitoring the progress of the Family and Medical Insurance Leave Act (S. 248) (which would provide partial paid leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act funded by employer and employee payroll taxes) and the Healthy Families Act (S. 1195) (which would require employers to provide employees with up to seven paid sick days per year).
More States Discontinue Emergency UI Programs. Alaska, Indiana, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, and West Virginia, have joined 15 other states in withdrawing from participation in federally funded emergency unemployment insurance (UI) programs established by the CARES Act.
Vendor Alert: How much of this business did you get?
IHMM saw an increase in applications of more than 50% in 2020, and for the first 1/3rd of 2021 now has 393 people waiting to take exams. How much of this business did your company see? If you’re missing out contact Diane McLevy at [email protected] and see how you can benefit from a relationship with IHMM and HMS.
9210 Corporate Boulevard, Suite 470, Rockville, Maryland, 20850
www.ihmm.org | [email protected]
Phone: 301-984-8969 Fax:301-984-1516