IHMM Directors and Officers are volunteers who serve without pay. They may serve up to two, four-year terms. Directors are responsible for the governance of IHMM, including establishing the overall direction of IHMM, the appointment of Executive Director, policy-making, and financial management.


William M. Diesslin, CHMM
Mr. Diesslin is the Director of the Iowa State University Department of Environmental Health and Safety in Ames, Iowa. He was elected as a Director in 2016. Second term expires 12/31/2024. Bill’s bio is here.

At-Large Director

Melissa A. Hamer, Esq. CHMM
Vice Chair
Ms. Hamer is an attorney practicing environmental law in Indiana. She was elected as a Director in 2019. 1st term expires 12/31/2027.

At-Large Director

June Brock-Carroll, CHMP
Mrs. Brock-Carroll is the Research Safety Hazardous Materials Manager at Clemson University in South Carolina. She was elected as a Director in 2017. Second term expires 12/31/2025. June’s bio is here.

CHMP Director

Jan G. Rosenberg, CSHM
Mr. Rosenberg is a consultant and former Deputy Administrator of the State of Nevada’s Division of Industrial Relations with a focus on OSHA enforcement and compliance. He came on the Board in 2019. Second term expires 12/31/2026. Jan’s bio is here.

CSHM Director


Public MemberW. Morgan Hyson. Morgan was elected in 2020 for a 4-year term that ends 12/31/2024. Morgan is a former staff member at IHMM who now works at the State Department. Morgan’s bio is here.

Public Member Director

Daniel S. Blankfeld, CSMP, CSHM
Mr. Blankfeld is Vice President of Safety, GIC Madison / CBG Building Company of Silver Spring, Maryland. First term expires 12/31/2023. Dan’s bio is here.

CSMP Director

Ivan Schmelczer, CDGP
Ivan has a company group in two countries: Trans-DGT Central Europe in Czech Republic and Trans-DGT Hungary in Hungary. In these companies he organizes trainings and exams in DG transport, and does consultation service. First term expires 12/31/2026. Here is Ivan’s bio.

CDGP Director

Erika Winning, CHMM
Ms. Winning is a Regional EHS Manager at Rust-Oleum Corporation. In her role she focuses on waste reduction, employee training, and EHS compliance. She currently holds her CHMM & CSHM credentials through IHMM. Her first term on the board expires on 12/31/2026. Erika’s bio here.

At Large Director

Staff Liaison