IHMM Remotely Proctored Exams Available Now
IHMM is pleased to announce that the American National Standards Institute [ANSI] has approved Kryterion Remotely Proctored Exams for IHMM’s CHMM, CHMP, and CDGP exams. IHMM has been using the Kryterion Remotely Proctored Exams for the CSHM and CSMP exams since April of this year.
About 60% of Kryterion in-person testing centers have reopened. If you prefer the comfort and convenience of taking your exam from your home or office instead of at a Kryterion center, IHMM is ready to enroll you in a remotely proctored examination.
Please contact either Kortney Tunstall at [email protected] for the CHMM, CHMP, or CDGP exams or Kaylene Cagle at [email protected] for the CSHM or CSMP exams.
EHS Professional is an on-line publication of IHMM
Phone: 301-984-8969 | [email protected]

Thursday, November 12, 2020
Other than content specifically provided by IHMM, articles contained in EHS Professional are compiled from independent sources and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of IHMM.
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National Safety Council
Salary Survey 2020. The annual Safety+Health Salary Survey is different this year and contains information about how you compare with your fellow EHS pros on compensation and benefits.
Contact Tracing. During a recent construction project, workers wore armbands connected to an electronic node network situated across the job site. Project supervisors from the engineering and construction firm Jacobs implemented the technology as a form of contact tracing – a disease control measure with long-standing roots in public health practice that has emerged as a new concept for many employers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Safety Leadership: Engaging with others for safety. Engagement leads to marriage: You need to commit. Committing doesn’t come from a casual conversation. Committing implies a life-changing, ongoing conversation. Applied to leadership, engagement is defined as helping others to commit and succeed by listening. You need to see where they’re coming from. You need to understand their perspective. You need to show them you’re worthy of their trust.
Do you believe the COVID-19 situation will have a lasting impact on the field of occupational safety and health? Take a poll here.
SafetyFOCUS Events Are Now Virtual
Due to the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic and its cascading effects on safety and health, work, travel, and large gatherings, all SafetyFOCUS events are now virtual. Our hope is that this format will make SafetyFOCUS events more accessible while offering the same networking opportunities and high-quality education you expect from ASSP. IHMM is a member of ASSP and we are pleased to send all IHMM certificants and you may learn more here https://safetyfocus.assp.org/
Safety and Health This Week
Contact Tracing – Important for Employers
Confined Spaces and Rescue Operations
Engaging With Others for Safety
You Can Change Harmful Habits
Imagination as a Safety Tool
Latest Safety Tips
Communicating through a facemask
You’ve broken a fluorescent lightbulb. Now what?
Reducing crushing injuries involving presses
FACE Value: Pipefitter killed by pressurized PVC pipe
Latest Workplace Solutions
Selecting appropriate hand protection
Protecting eyes from strain and fatigue
Combustible dust control
Tepid water solutions
IHMM is a member of the National Safety Council in support of IHMM credential holders and is pleased to share this important safety information with all IHMM certificants.
VUBIZ Becomes HMS Partner – Adds CSHM Exam Prep Course
The Certified Safety and Health Manager (CSHM) designation is the preferred certification for Health and Safety Managers. Requirements for CSHM certification include passing an exam administered by the Institute of Hazardous Materials Management.
The Certified Safety and Health Manager (CSHM) designation is the preferred certification for Health and Safety Managers. Requirements for CSHM certification include passing an exam administered by the Institute of Hazardous Materials Management. If you are planning on taking the CSHM Exam, preparation is essential for success.
For more information about CSHM certification and the CSHM exam, please refer to the Institute of Hazardous Materials Management (IHMM) at https://ihmm.org/cshm/
The Vubiz CSHM exam prep course is 6 hours long and is delivered online and may be taken at the convenience of the purchaser for up to 90 days. FMI see https://hazmatsociety.org/training/cshm-exam-preparation-elearning-workshop-2/2020-11-10/
IHMM & AHMP Launch 45 in 5 – National Credential Recognition
In 2019 Mark Bruce from AHMP and Gene Guilford from IHMM worked on a project to get the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to recognize the CHMM and CDGT credentials. With Mark’s work on the ground in Pennsylvania, we succeeded. We have already succeeded in 5 states.
In the first week since the launch, we have added Delaware, Florida, Texas, California, and Washington.
Now Mark at AHMP and Gene at IHMM are launching 45 in 5, getting the other 45 states to recognize our credentials in 5 years. If we can find a volunteer like Mark in 45 other states we can work with those volunteers on crafting the right message to the right agencies in state governments across the country. If we find enough volunteers we can get this done in less than 5 years.
Here’s what we ask each volunteer to do:
- Take a template letter we write and send it to the right people at the right agencies of state governments
- IHMM & AHMP will identify the agencies and the people to contact
- Follow up after sending the letter
- IHMM will engage all of our certificants and AHMP will engage all of its members in each state to communicate with the agencies in support of the recognition
Let’s get the rest of the country on board. Volunteer using this form > https://forms.gle/xVJ7UgwcfomWTpdR9
National Safety Council Webinars
IHMM is a member of the National Safety Council and is pleased to share these NSC webinars with all IHMM certificants.
The world of work is changing fast. Do you have the tools to help your organization assess and manage emerging risks? From expert articles to global standards and in-depth courses, we have what you need to navigate uncertainty and improve safety performance. Start with our three-part series on how to conduct a risk assessment.
Data Gathering: Setting the Foundation for Successful Risk Assessment
Setting the Scope and Limits of a Risk Assessment
Conducting a Risk Assessment
- How to Apply the Hierarchy of Controls in a Pandemic – Article
- 5 Methods That Will Help You Analyze Layers of Controls – Infographic
- 5 Ways to Work with Leadership for Better Risk Management – Article
- 7 Ways to Create a Strong and Sustainable Risk Culture – Infographic
IHMM is a member of ASSP and is pleased to pass along this valuable information to IHMM certificants.
Each year IHMM is proud to recognizer the outstanding achievements and distinction of the CSHM, CSMP, or ASHM
that has made a worthy contribution to the communities of practice and the profession.
This award is usually given at the annual National Safety Council Congress.
Nominations begin in May and end in December 2020 only for the 2020 nominations. Make your nomination here.
EHS Digest & Updates
- Pfizer’s Coronavirus Vaccine is More Than 90 Percent Effective
- What Pfizer’s Landmark COVID Vaccine Results Mean for the Pandemic
- ASSP and NECA Collaborate on Improving Worker Safety
- Mobility Network Models of COVID-19 Explain Inequities and Inform Reopening Policies
- Temporary Enforcement Guidance – Tight-Fitting Powered Air Purifying Respirators (PAPRs) Used During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) From OSHA
- Respiratory Protection vs. Source Control – What’s the Difference? — NIOSH
- Using Unmanned Aerial Systems for Automated Fall Hazard Monitoring in High-rise Construction Projects — CPWR
- New CPWR Data Bulletin Examines the Coronavirus and Health Disparities Among Construction Workers
- OSHA Offers Safety Guidance for the Residential Construction Industry
- ASSP Provides Guidance on Ventilation and Worker Health
- Tropical Cyclones and Hurricanes Could Last Longer After Landfall in a Warming World, Endangering Inland Communities
- NIOSH: Firefighter Body Dimensions for Updating Safety Specifications for Fire Apparatus and Firefighter Protective Equipment
- American Chemistry Council: Study to Measure Opportunity for Additional Capture of Recyclable Materials Set To Launch in Northeastern US
- NIOSH: Controls for Noise Exposure and the Hierarchy of Control
- OSHAcademy Offers Safety Training for Oil and Gas Workforce
- Spirometry Training Program Offered by NIOSH
- OSHA Offers Hazard Recognition Guidance for the Logging Industry
- National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Publishes 3rd Edition of Jobsite Safety Handbook
- NSC Releases White Paper: Understanding the Distracted Brain, Focusing on the Dangers of Hands-free Cell Phone Use While Driving
NIOSH’s Second Elastomeric Half-Mask Respirator FRN Webinar
Elastomeric half-mask respirators (EHMRs) are reusable respirators that may be worn in a healthcare setting and supplement the supply of disposable respirators available to healthcare workers. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)—in coordination with the Strategic National Stockpile—posted a Federal Register Notice (FRN) titled “A National Elastomeric Half Mask Respirator (EHMR) Strategy for Use in Healthcare Settings During an Infectious Disease Outbreak/Pandemic”.
Through this FRN, NIOSH is seeking input regarding the national distribution plan of purchased EHMRs, as well as identifying potential organizations interested in receiving a portion of these EHMRs with the commitment to provide a report of user acceptability and feasibility of implementation.
NIOSH is seeking organizations including, but not limited to:
- Hospital systems, individual hospitals, and/or specific hospital units (i.e., emergency department, intensive care units)
- Outpatient care settings (i.e., offices, clinics, home care, urgent care, rehab centers)
- Long term care facilities
- Dental practices
- First responder organizations (i.e., police, fire, EMS)
To learn more about how your organization can participate in this effort, please join us for a second webinar on November 18 from 1:00-2:00pm (ET). NIOSH will provide an overview of EHMRs, a summary of the FRN, expectations of potential participants, the next steps, and answer any questions you may have.
IHMM Microcredential Task Force Gets Underway November 12th
In September the IHMM Board authorized the creation of a microcredential task force to explore how IHMM can create narrowly defined, specialized credentials that add value to each of its major, accredited credentials. The current task force membership is here https://ihmm.org/microcredential-task-force. The task force will get underway on November 12, 2020.
The survey of IHMM certificants has yielded more than 100 suggestions for specialized microcredentials ranging from environmental law, Climate Change Hazard Mitigation, climate policy, community vulnerability mitigation, recycling, landfill operator, waste management specialist, court qualified environmental expert, pandemics, and many more.
A CSHM credential holder may seek an “endorsement” to their credential specializing in pandemic crisis response, the CHMM may want an endorsement for a court qualified environmental expert. We are far away from those decisions but the task force will work through certificant suggestions and make recommendations to the IHMM Board next year.
IHMM/HMS Coronavirus Resources
In February of 2020, the World Health Organization’s director-general has declared a public health emergency of international concern over the ongoing outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus. On March 13, 2020 President Trump declared a national emergency for the United States. IHMM and HMS’ first concern is with the safety and health of all of us; our staff and families, colleagues, certificants and members. We will update this page regularly as credible, authoritative information is available.
Save the Date!
National Safety Council Virtual Congress and Expo, March 1-5, 2021
For more than 100 years, safety, health and environmental professionals have turned to this safety event for industry-leading technology, education, networking opportunities and the tried and true products and services needed to stay at the forefront and remain competitive within the industry. We are excited to offer the NSC Safety Congress & Expo virtually while also prioritizing the safety of stakeholders during this pandemic environment.
Until we can meet face-to-face, it’s a convenient and affordable way to deliver quality educational programs and safety solutions directly to you. It’s the perfect place to come together to share experiences, to learn new ways of doing business, and explore the innovations that will drive our industry to save lives, from the workplace to anyplace.
A community platform to network, share lessons learned and plans for the future
A live and on-demand education platform for safety teams around the world
A trade show just like an in person expo hall to see innovations and make connections to grow sales and profitability
Mark your calendars, March 1-5, 2021! Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks.
HMS Education and Training
Hazardous Materials Society now has 15,779 education and training programs on its website https://hazmatsociety.org/education-training/ with more coming every week. Certificants will note that most of these programs carry a CMP value, making it easier to know in advance what to expect. The HMS Education and Training platform also provides a wide variety of courses for professional development across all of IHMM’s credentials – and more are being developed by the HMS Education and Training Committee.
This is the center of education and training for IHMM certificants and prospective certificants. Among these more than 14.000 programs are webinars delivered online and virtually all carry IHMM CMPs values with them for your annual / 5-year CMP planning. SEE: https://hazmatsociety.org/education-training/
IHMM Board of Directors 2020 Election Underway
IHMM Board of Directors Election Began November 2, 2020
In accordance with the IHMM Bylaws and Elections Guidelines, the 2020 elections for positions open on the IHMM Board of Directors began November 2, 2020, and runs through November 30, 2020.
For January 2021 we have two seats open, one for a CHMM and one for a non-credentialed Public Member, for which we solicited candidates every week from March through July.
The map at left shows RED states as states from which IHMM already has a Board member [2 from Maryland], and the BLUE states are the states from which we have candidates for next month’s election. One of the many things the IHMM Nominating Committee takes into account in selecting Nominees is geographic diversity. This year one candidate resides in Qatar.
Every IHMM certificant in good standing will receive a named and numbered ballot to ensure the security of the election and so each may only vote once. All IHMM certificants in good standing received their ballot on November 2, 2020, by email – and receive a reminder once a week, also by email.
For the CHMM and Public Member Positions, We Have the Following Nominees.
Robert E. DeHart, CHMM
Boone, NC
Robert’s Bio
Why Robert Wants to Serve
William M. Diesslin, CHMM
Rick Huckfeldt, CHMM
Richland, WA
Rick’s Bio
Why Rick Wants to Serve
David Onchagwa, CHMM
Doha, Qatar
David’s Bio
W. Morgan Hyson, Public Member
Rockville, MD
Morgan’s Bio and Why Morgan Wants to Serve
Kermit Rader, Public Member
Philadelphia, PA
Kermit’s Bio
Why Kermit Wants to Serve
$45 Webinar – OSHA Asbestos Awareness Training
2 CMPs
Do you work in or around areas that may contain asbestos? If so, you may need asbestos awareness training to work safely and maintain compliance with U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. At Hazmat School, we offer a 2-hour online asbestos awareness course designed to meet the needs of maintenance and custodial personnel and other workers who may come into contact with asbestos-containing materials.
Our online asbestos awareness course satisfies the training requirements outlined by OSHA in 29 CFR 1926.1101. This regulation requires employers to provide training to every employee likely to be exposed to asbestos in excess of permissible exposure limits (PEL) and who performs Class IV asbestos operations. According to the regulation, training must occur annually and at no cost to the employee. The training program must also ensure employees receive information about a number of specific asbestos-related topics.
Access 2018 NOIRS Research Papers. A special issue of Journal of Safety Research highlights select work presented at the 2018 National Occupational Injury Research Symposium (NOIRS), which was hosted by NIOSH in partnership with ASSP, BCSP, National Safety Council and other organizations. The theme for NOIRS 2018 was “Advancing Worker Safety in the 21st Century Through Research and Practice.”
Human Factors in Safety. Many factors affect how workers act on the job and the decisions they make. Understanding these factors can help your organization create an environment in which workers make good decisions, follow safety procedures and immediately report unsafe working conditions. This week’s Safety News You Need highlights resources to help you gain a better understanding of human performance to create safer workplaces.
Three Keys to Material Hoist Safety. The safe movement of materials on construction sites is critical to completing projects on time and on budget. Moving materials to different areas of a work site safely often requires the use of a material hoist. With so much heavy material being hoisted over great distances, site management must take steps to secure the material and confirm that hoists are working properly to protect workers and the investment in the materials.
Ventilation and Worker Health. Improving indoor air quality (IAQ) not only helps provide a more comfortable working environment, it also has many benefits for worker health. This week’s Safety News You Need highlights ways to identify when your ventilation system may need improvement and steps you can take to provide the best possible IAQ for your workforce.
Member Benefits of Hazardous Materials Society
81% of IHMM certificants are aware of the Hazardous Materials Society, which we appreciate. IHMM established the Hazardous Materials Society in order to support and provide services to IHMM certificants.
Did You Know?
Your company’s membership dues for Associate Membership in the Hazardous Materials Society (HMS) are 100% tax-deductible and your participation directly supports scholarship and education/training opportunities for professionals working in hazmat and EHS. Joining as an Associate Member expresses your commitment and your company’s leadership in giving back to our professional community. Join today to claim your tax deduction for the 2020 tax year while expressing your company’s professional affiliation and accessing tools for your marketing and business development plans.
To learn more about what HMS is doing now and what they are planning for the future, please see the new Member Benefits page here.
HMS Launches Jobs Board
We invite our participating companies to post their available employment opportunities here. There is no charge for this service. HMS staff reviews each proposed posting for clarity and completeness before posting to the public view and may remove a posting without notice.
A Collaborative Culture
There are 257 different conversations going on in the IHMM/HMS Collaboration platform this week. A collaborative culture is important for every business but is especially important for our hazardous materials, dangerous goods, environment, health, and safety communities of practice. IHMM credentialed professionals are at the top 1% of their professions and their reach is global. We are at the forefront of environmental protection, health, and safety and this is where collaborating with the best people in their fields, always willing to help one another, lessens the stress of our jobs and where we strive as a team to make a difference of which we are proud.
In October HMS added the following new communities:
- HMS Academia Community
- HMS Consultants Community
- HMS Government Employees Community
- HMS International Members Community
- HMS Senior Members Community
- HMS Student Members Community
- HMS Women Member Community
- HMS Youth Member Community
We opened COLLABORATION to enable thousands of certificants and supporters to collaborate together. You can collaborate here> https://community.ihmm.org/home
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has published additional frequently asked questions and answers (FAQs) regarding the need to report employees’ in-patient hospitalizations and fatalities resulting from work-related cases of the coronavirus.
OSHA’s new FAQs provide information to help employers apply the agency’s existing injury and illness recording and reporting requirements to the coronavirus. In particular, the FAQs provide guidance on how to calculate reporting deadlines for in-patient hospitalizations and fatalities, and clarify the meaning of the term “incident” as it relates to work-related coronavirus in-patient hospitalizations and fatalities. These FAQs are the latest effort by OSHA to provide employers and employees with more information about how it will enforce its standards and regulations during the pandemic. OSHA has also previously published revised enforcement guidance detailing how OSHA will enforce the recordkeeping requirements of 29 CFR 1904 for employee coronavirus illnesses for all employers.
Visit OSHA’s coronavirus webpage frequently for updates. For further information about the coronavirus, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
With more than 27,000 people – here is where HMS leverages our numbers for member’s benefit. There is strength and value in numbers and that translates into lower costs for you.
Haven’t you had enough of the health insurance industry/government exchanges run-around where you have few, if any, choices and ever-increasing costs?
HMS has worked with the best people in the health insurance industry to deliver a program exclusively for HMS members that solves this problem. The HMS Health Insurance Program empowers our small to medium-sized businesses with stronger coverage at a lower cost than is found in the ACA commercial marketplaces where you get insurance today.

Beltway Buzz – Ogletree & Deakins
Executive Action. Every president has a pen and a phone and Biden would undoubtedly make quick use of each to revoke President Donald Trump’s executive orders and issue his own. Easy targets for revocation are the scores of immigration-related orders that President Trump issued over the years, as well as the recently issued Executive Order on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping.
On the proactive side of things, Biden would likely restart the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program if Congress does not act on this issue.
Divided Congress. Legislative gridlock in Washington, D.C., is nothing new—President Barack Obama dealt with it during the last six years of his presidency. This is what we can expect to deal with for the first two years of the Biden administration.
- No-go on PRO. With Republicans apparently having retained their majority in the Senate (though two Senate runoff elections in Georgia on January 5, 2021, may change the equation), the immediate possibility of Democrats scrapping the filibuster and advancing major labor and employment legislation such as the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act is remote.
- CRA goes away. A Democratic Party–aligned Senate and White House would have allowed Democrats to rescind President Trump’s so-called “midnight regulations” through use of the Congressional Review Act (CRA) (though the CRA could come into play if a few Republicans break ranks). Regulations that would have been targeted include a pending U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) regulation on independent contractor status under the Fair Labor Standards Act. The Trump administration will now likely try to finalize this and other pending regulations on its way out the door.
- Nom Nom Nom. Since 2017, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has spent much of his time confirming nominees for the executive branch and federal judiciary. Obviously, the landscape beginning in 2021 will be a little different with a newly inaugurated President Biden making the nominations. It is likely that Biden will be forced to somewhat temper his nominees—to both the courts and agencies—in order to get them through a potential Republican-controlled Senate.
Executive Branch Agencies and Regulations. While Senate Republicans could stymie Biden’s legislative agenda, Biden would still have the entire executive branch to implement many of his desired policy changes. This is where most of the policy bread gets buttered these days anyway.
- U.S. Department of Labor. Expect the following from a Biden DOL:
- A COVID-19-specific workplace safety emergency temporary standard will be a priority as long as the pandemic continues.
- There will likely be a significant uptick in enforcement, specifically with regard to workplace safety and COVID-19–related complaints.
- The Wage and Hour Division will likely implement a “repeal and replace” agenda with respect to regulations addressing overtime, joint employment, and independent contractor status.
- National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). Republicans will maintain a majority at the NLRB into the summer of 2021. Once Democrats gain a majority, they may be expected to roll back current Board policies and return to policies that favor organized labor. This would include rescinding the Board’s joint-employer regulation and election procedure changes, as well as reversing Board decisions over the last several years on issues such as employer property rights, employee discipline, fractured bargaining units, and the like.
- U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Though the Commission chair will likely change immediately, Republicans will retain a majority on the EEOC through at least mid-2022, which will impact how the Commission addresses matters such as finalizing a conciliation regulation, finalizing a rule on employer-sponsored wellness programs, and determining the utility of pay and hours-worked data.
- Immigration. A Biden administration can be expected to restore DACA and certain temporary protected status designations. A Biden administration would also likely reaffirm a rule allowing employment authorization for certain H-4 spouses of H-1B nonimmigrants. Caution is warranted, however, when it comes to other issues concerning high-skilled nonimmigrant visas. Skepticism about these high-skilled programs is bipartisan, and while a Biden administration would likely ease off the gas a bit, don’t expect administrative scrutiny to disappear entirely.
Divided Senate. As mentioned above, it is possible that we could end up with a Senate comprised of 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats. In that case, Democrats would technically be in control, as likely Vice President Kamala Harris would cast tie-breaking votes. But things get complicated with regard to the day-to-day operations of the Senate, the composition of the various committees, and the like. In this scenario, Senator McConnell and Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) would likely look to the Senate of 2001–2002 (of the 107th United States Congress) for guidance. This is the Senate that convened after the controversial 2000 presidential election, and it was the last time that we had a 50–50 split in the upper chamber. At that time, Republican Trent Lott of Mississippi and Democrat Tom Daschle of South Dakota created a power-sharing agreement that divided committee membership, as well as staffing and resources, equally. Because Vice President Dick Cheney technically gave Republicans a majority, Republicans controlled the committee chairs and the legislative docket. Of course, in May of 2001, Vermont Republican James Jeffords switched parties to become an Independent caucusing with the Democrats. This transferred control of the Senate to the Democrats—the first time that party control had formally shifted in the middle of a two-year congressional term.
- On November 3, 2020, Colorado voters passed Proposition 118, a ballot initiative establishing a paid family and medical leave program. The new law, known as the “Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Act,” provides for 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave funded through a payroll tax paid by employers and employees in a 50/50 split.
PHMSA adopts changes to DOT 4-series cylinder requalification for non-corrosive gases.
EPA – Revised Cross-State Air Pollution Rule Update for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS
Final Risk Evaluation for Carbon Tetrachloride Finds Unreasonable Risks to Workers and Occupational Non-Users
NIOSH’s Second Elastomeric Half-Mask Respirator FRN Webinar

Contact IHMM
9210 Corporate Boulevard, Suite 470, Rockville, Maryland, 20850
www.ihmm.org | [email protected]
Phone: 301-984-8969 Fax:301-984-1516