Glorianna L. Reeser, REM, CSRP, CHMM, CSP, and immediate past President of COCHMM, is leading the effort to promote IHMM credentials at the September 18, 2023 environmental and occupational safety career event at Columbus State Community College.

The Columbus State Community College Sustainability Group and the STEM Club are hosting an environmental and occupational safety career event at Columbus State Community College on Monday, September 18, 2023. The event will be held from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. on the 4th floor of the Center for Workforce Development on CSCC’s downtown campus.

The event will promote awareness of the many types of environmental and occupational safety careers in Ohio, and the education and/or certifications, licenses, etc. that may be beneficial to those in these fields. It is also meant to provide a connection among students, professionals, and interested individuals with companies and organizations in the Central Ohio region. Information about each company/organization/college and possible employment (full-time, part-time, internships) may be shared with attendees.

IHMM has shipped its booth and materials to Glorianna, and she and COCHMM staff the event to promote COCHMM and IHMM credentials. Thanks to Glorianna, Jeff Bates, Kristen Dameron, and the great people at COCHMM.

The promotional flier for the event on September 18th at Columbus State Community College is here.
Learn more about Central Ohio CHMM (COCHMM) here.