IHMM’s Certified Hazardous Materials Practitioner (CHMP ®) credential recognizes the highest standard of proficiency for front-line hazardous materials workers. Acquiring the CHMP credential will provide added assurance to both you and your employer of the secure and proper handling and management of hazardous materials in the workplace.
By obtaining this certification, it validated my knowledge and personal achievement. Having a ‘CHMP’ is like having an ‘MD’ at the end of my name.
Benefits of a CHMP® Credential
Trust, respect and confidence are earned with a CHMP® credential. The rigorous testing proves your mastery in the secure and proper handling of hazardous materials earning you a premier distinction that is respected by colleagues and rewarded by management. Corporations, universities and government agencies depend on the CHMP credential to identify these accomplished professionals.
Eligibility Requirements
A candidate must meet all eligibility requirements before scheduling and taking their exam. These include (1) file an application; (2) transcript (upload a copy of your transcript/diploma if applicable to the application) (3) third-party employment verification, and (4) pay the application fee. Then pass the exam and pay the annual fee to be issued the credential. The following are the prerequisites…
- You must have at least 5 years of relevant experience with responsibilities directly related to the handling of hazardous materials and/or waste in the workplace; or
- You must have an Associate Level degree in applied science or a related field from an accredited college or university such as in hazardous materials management, environmental science, environmental management, physical or life science, or environmental technology, plus 3 years of relevant experience as described in Step 3. A copy of your transcript or diploma must be submitted.
College Transcript
Your official transcript or diploma must be uploaded to your application before it can be submitted. To find out whether a college in the U.S. is accredited, check with the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Degrees from colleges or universities outside of the U.S. are acceptable if they are documented as equivalent to a BS/BA degree issued in the U.S. Candidates with degrees from colleges and universities outside of the U.S. must upload a copy of their statement of equivalency from a recognized evaluating agency. For a list of recognized agencies, see Once there, select an entity under CURRENT MEMBERS, and then do your research on your degree.
Relevant Experience
Relevant experience includes, but is not limited to, the following examples:
- Hazardous materials identification and handling in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
- Planning and preparing for and responding to hazmat emergencies and incidents.
- Sampling and analysis (of air, water, soil, waste) for potential contaminants.
- Site investigation and remediation.
- Hazmat program or project management.
Submit an Application, Pay the Application Fee
Submit an application and pay the application fee. See below under Let's Start Your Application! There is also a fee for the test and, if you pass, an annual maintenance fee. If you need assistance with the CHMP application contact Kortney Tunstall at [email protected] or call 301-244-4864
Move on to Schedule and Take the Examination
Having submitted your application, paid your application fee, and been approved, then you move on to purchase your examination. Move down to the next section of this site for information about taking the exam. If you need assistance with the CHMP examination contact Kortney Tunstall at [email protected] or call 301-244-4864
Examination Preparation
Candidates need to be familiar with relevant laws and regulations, relevant scientific principles and their application, and best management practices. Many candidates attend overview courses or use self-study materials to prepare for the examination. IHMM does not require any specific type of exam preparation or training and the exams are not based on any single reference.
IHMM credentialing programs and examinations are based on an Exam Specifications "blueprint.” The blueprints govern the competency requirements for each credential and provide the outline of topics for the examinations. Examination questions are developed from the blueprints and applicants base their examination study on the blueprint.
Please see the Candidate Handbook for additional information
Find a Course to Prepare for the Exam

Preparing for your CHMP examination is important as the CHMP examination is challenging. Your CHMP examination is derived from the CHMP blueprint, so downloading the CHMP blueprint and understanding the domains and their contents is a good first start. If you seek a course to take in which to prepare for the CHMP examination, you will find a course in our companion foundation, the Hazardous Materials Society.

CHMP Blueprint
The CHMP examination is a testing instrument designed to evaluate candidates seeking professional certification in the field of hazardous materials management. This Specification Blueprint is intended to offer guidance to candidates by outlining reasonably expected duties and tasks based on surveys of what hazardous materials managers do in practice. The Blueprint below describes the subject matter covered by the examination. All test items will be drawn from among the duty areas of the Specification Blueprint. Use the current blueprint in the button below
and Recognition
The measure of the quality and strength of a certification program is to evaluate its accreditation status. Accreditation is a form of certification for the certifying organization, requiring conformance with strict standards of validity, reliability, and impartiality.
A key feature of IHMM credentialing programs, accreditation is essential because of the nature of work performed by IHMM certificants. The handling and management of hazardous materials and the transport of dangerous goods are governed by model regulations published by the US Environmental Protection Agency, US Department of Transportation, committees of the United Nations as well as a network of state, national and international organizations.
Accredited credentials allow professionals to not only gain knowledge to use and implement these regulations but to be recognized for their competency to properly manage and perform the functions of the profession.
Apply or Pay a Fee
If you are a first-time user and want to make an application to take an exam, or if you are an existing certificant wanting to pay a fee, everything is done through our online Portal MYIHMM.
Existing certificants use their username/password to log in. New users can create an account and then apply. If you need assistance in any way, please contact Kortney Tunstall at [email protected], Rosie Wilson at [email protected], or Kaylene Cagle at [email protected]. One of them will be glad to help you.
When you have your user/pass and can enter MYIHMM, Click on MENU and you will see this display. Select what You want to do from the menu and proceed…
A collaborative culture is important for every business but is especially important for our hazardous materials, dangerous goods, environment, health and safety communities of practice. IHMM credentialed professionals are at the top 1% of their professions and their reach is global. We are at the forefront of environmental protection, health, and safety and this is where collaborating with the best people in their fields, always willing to help one another, lessens the stress of our jobs and where we strive as a team to make a difference of which we are proud.
Policies and
Code of Ethics
Per the guidance of our accreditation authorities and our internal leadership, IHMM has a variety of policies that bear on our impartiality, our Code of Ethics, our regard for the privacy of your information and data, nondiscrimination, and additional federal guidelines for access to our tests and facilities. Everyone needs to be familiar with these policies as every applicant will be asked to affirm having read, understood, and agrees to be bound by all of these policies in the application process.
Recertification of Your Credential
Congratulations. After hard work and dedication, you earned your professional credential. Now, every 5 years you will need to recertify your valuable credential. Over 5 years you need to earn 200 certification maintenance points or CMPs. You receive 100 CMPs for the job you perform, and then need to earn a minimum of another 100 CMPs in a variety of ways demonstrating your commitment to continuous improvement and remaining current with the demands of your profession and our communities of practice.
Considering everything you did to achieve certification, don’t let it go to waste by failing to recertify.
IHMM will remind you, fairly often, about your impending recertification deadline. If you follow the steps outlined below you will find this process fairly easy to accomplish. Start with the advice in Step #1!
Step 1
Be proactive and enter your CMPs as you earn them. CMPs must be claimed following the guidelines in the IHMM Recertification Handbook.
Step 2
In your MYIHMM account, start your recertification application now to track CMPs as you go. Go to MYIHMM > then MENU > then Recertification > then Create a New Recertification Application.
Step 3
Keep your employment status and professional information current in your MYIHMM account. Please make sure your annual fees are also up-to-date.
Step 4
In your 5th year, make sure all information is correct, confirm your minimum of 200 CMPs, and submit application. Don’t worry, we’ll remind you along the way, too!
Step 5
Audits. Keep records of employment and CMPs requested. We may check in from time to time to assure accuracy.
Following these simple steps will make your recertification simple and easy to complete. Go to your online MYIHMM account, using your unique username and password.
If you have any questions about this process, please contact Jimmy Nguyen at [email protected] or Jelian Labri at [email protected] and someone will assist you.
IHMM Recertification Videos
IHMM has prepared these step-by-step videos for you to watch as you prepare your recertification application. Start with Video #1 and then move on to Video #2.
Recertification Video #1 – Start Here
Recertification Video #2 – Finish Here
An individual who previously held an IHMM certification that has not been decertified on ethical grounds may apply to have his or her certification reinstated if their annual fees have been expired for less than five (5) years and/or their decertified certification has been expired for less than five (5) years.
If either condition is not met, the individual must go through the full certification process to become certified again.
Reinstatement is not a reversal of decertification. All time in service is lost at the time of decertification. For more information regarding the reversal of decertification, please refer to IHMM’s Decertification Appeal Policy.
Evidence of knowing continued use of a decertified certification after having been provided notice of decertification by IHMM is a violation of your certification agreement and is unethical, and will render the individual ineligible for reinstatement.