For the past year, IHMM’s microcredential task force [] has been collecting more than 200 suggestions from IHMM’s certificants about creating new microcredentials. Having vetted more than 200 suggestions, the task force has chosen to focus on the top ten, and then work on the first two – pandemic preparedness and pandemic response.
Having formed an Office of Pandemic Preparedness in the White House, that office has released a report that states America was not ready for the current pandemic, and isn’t ready for the next one that is sure to come >
IHMM wants to be a part of preparing the public and private sectors for the next pandemic and, to that end, begins with the presentation of a new microcredential for review and discussion at the IHMM Board meeting on December 10, 2021. Creating strong credentials is what IHMM does, and with this microcredential initiative, IHMM sets a course for getting ahead of the demands of the public health and safety community to help meet the needs of the American people.
IHMM is pleased to join the University of Maine system for their Micro-credential Initiative Summit, November 29-December 3, 2021. See: