IHMM Works for Certificants in the Tomorrow’s Workforce Coalition

Happy Monday, and we hope you had a wonderful July 4th!

Congress often takes it easy around the holidays, but a lot has happened with the Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act (H.R. 1477) since we last wrote to you before the 4th.

Imminent Committee Action on H.R. 1477

The House Ways & Means Committee will formally consider the text of H.R. 1477 during a “markup” Tuesday, at 10:00 a.m. ET.

New Legislation: The Education and Workforce Freedom Act (H.R. 8915)

The Ways & Means Committee combined two bills that Members will consider during tomorrow’s markup: H.R. 1477 and the Student Empowerment Act (H.R. 6050), which would allow people to use 529 plan funds on K-12 education costs, private school tuition and homeschooling, among other expenses. The latter bill, unfortunately, is not bipartisan, so the combined legislation will also lack bipartisanship.

Review the new Education and Workforce Freedom Act (H.R. 8915). Importantly, the H.R. 1477 portion of the new bill includes improved language that would expand the list of eligible training and credentialing programs.

S. 722 / H.R. 1477  / Coalition Roster
By |2024-07-08T18:57:23+00:00July 8th, 2024|IHMM Govt Affairs|Comments Off on IHMM Works for Certificants in the Tomorrow’s Workforce Coalition

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