IHMM is a member of the American Society of Safety Professionals [ASSP]. As such, we contribute to the development of ISO TC283 Update – ISO 45001 Standard[s] and Projects, Safety Management Systems, Focus on ISO 45001, and Other Pending Projects.

ASSP is the TAG Administrator [Technical Advisory Group] to ANSI for the ISO TC283 [Technical Committee].  TC283 is responsible for the creation of ISO 45001 and other important standards and documents under the 283 series of technical materials.  ASSP, as the U.S. TAG Administrator, is responsible to work with the committee [TAG] membership to create U.S. voting positions and technical comments for ANSI at the global level.


The Society recently concluded an extensive webinar with Martin Cottam [TC283 Chair], Sally Swingewood [TC283 Manager], Vic Toy [U.S. TAG Chair], and Kathy Seabrook [U.S. TAG Vice-Chair]. 


This is an extensive webinar and interview that should interest OSH Professionals working with ISO 45001 and management systems.  We address ISO 45001, 45003, 45005, etc.  There are always a lot of questions on this standard[s] and ASSP can give you the answers.  This webinar is worthy of your time to review.

