Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finalizing amendments to the significant new use rule (SNUR) for long-chain perfluoroalkyl carboxylate (LCPFAC) chemical substances that were proposed on January 21, 2015; an amendment to a SNUR for perfluoroalkyl sulfonate chemical substances that was proposed on January 21, 2015; and an amendment to make inapplicable the exemption for persons who import a subset of LCPFAC chemical substances as part of surface coatings on articles, which was proposed on March 3, 2020. This final rule requires persons to notify EPA at least 90 days before commencing the manufacture (including import) or processing of these chemical substances for the significant new uses described in this notice. The required significant new use notification initiates EPA’s evaluation of the conditions of use associated with the significant new use. Manufacturing (including import) or processing for the significant new use are prohibited from commencing until EPA has conducted a review of the notice, made an appropriate determination on the notice, and taken such actions as are required in association with that determination. As with any SNUR, this final rule excludes ongoing uses. Ongoing uses cannot be subject to a SNUR.