I have been an admirer of Patrick Doyle since 2011. Patrick served as the CEO of Domino’s Pizza from 2010 to 2018.
Before his arrival as the CEO, Domino’s had built its reputation in the pizza business as being able to deliver a pizza in 30 minutes or less. Unfortunately, this fast and reliable pizza was also not very good. Domino’s had customers who wanted a pizza fast but were losing customers who wanted a great pie. Doyle then did a remarkable thing, he started appearing in advertising pointing to the fact that his company’s pizza was, well, lousy – and that he was leading the effort to recreate Domino’s to put focus on quality and less on speed of delivery. The hardest thing in running a business is to admit a mistake publicly, or failure.
Last week our Director of Marketing and Communications encountered a former CHMM who, unfortunately, got lost in the mayhem of IHMM’s paper to digital transition on 2010-15. While I’ve never seen a seamless digital transition in 40 years, this mistake should never have happened. With the right protocols, everyone who IHMM had on paper could have been cross-checked against everyone in the new electronic database. That didn’t happen in 2010-2015, and we lost a customer. The system of recertification then involved creating and submitting mountains of paper to the IHMM office. I’ve heard many a story about how difficult a process that was, which led to IHMM creating the digital database in 2015. We were supposed to bring everyone along on that journey but we missed some people.
While I wasn’t here in 2010, Rachel on behalf of everyone at IHMM allow me to apologize. Much has changed at IHMM since 2018, among which are measures to make sure we value the customers we have and never lose them.