On June 16, 2021, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published the agency’s decision to delay the effective and compliance dates of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR), published on January 15, 2021, to allow time for EPA to review the rule in accordance with Presidential directives issued on January 20, 2021, to the heads of Federal agencies to review certain regulations, and conduct important consultations with affected parties. EPA has completed its review. The agency’s review included a series of virtual public engagements to hear directly from a diverse set of stakeholders. This document describes the comments conveyed by stakeholders, EPA’s decision to proceed with a proposed rule that would revise certain key sections of the LCRR while allowing the rule to take effect, and other non-regulatory actions that EPA and other Federal agencies can take to reduce exposure to lead in drinking water.

Read More > https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/12/17/2021-27457/review-of-the-national-primary-drinking-water-regulation-lead-and-copper-rule-revisions-lcrr