The United Nations Subcommittee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (UNSCOE TDG) is holding their 65th Session November 25 through December 4, 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland. There are 54 formal and 65 informal papers submitted for discussion as of Day 7. This session is the fourth of four sessions during the 2023-2024 biennium.
All daily sessions are to be held formally (interpreted). Therefore, papers are to be reviewed as listed on the agenda (INF.2) and final decisions will be taken when appropriate.
This summary is provided to assist you in following the discussions of the papers and is not intended as a full summary of document that was presented. Links to individual papers are provided to allow you to read the papers directly. Note that the Official report of the session will be made available by the UN Secretariat 3-4 weeks after the session concludes.
Day 7 – Discussion of Papers
Correction – The summary of discussion on INF.18/Rev.1 was inadvertently truncated in the Day 6 Summary. Please find the full summary below.
INF.18/Rev.1 (Kingdom of the Netherlands) Transport of articles containing gas in open cryogenic receptacle – The Netherlands shared challenges with large cryogenic articles that are shipped under P006. They proposed new language in P006 and a new special provision XXX to be applied to the entry UN3538 to clarify performance requirements for such articles. France supported the proposal as drafted and recommended paragraph 7 was a necessary editorial addition. The US supported the proposal but preferred to review the proposal with industry as to date, the concerns over 2.2 gases were reviewed but not all conditions of cryogenic language. Belgium supported France on paragraph 7 but agreed with the US on paragraph 8. The US argued that introducing a packaging instruction to P006 without the new special provision would create more confusion. Based on the discussion, the Netherlands indicated they would return with a formal proposal at the 66th Session. No proposals were adopted.
2024/78 (Germany; Republic of Korea); INF.65 (Germany, Republic of Korea, United States) Prohibited packagings for substances which may become liquid during transport – The US detailed a revised proposal based on 2024/78 to remove ambiguity regarding IBCs that are not approved for liquids in PG I. Based on the discussion, the Subcommittee agreed to the proposal in INF.65.
INF.43 (Secretariat) Review of the main achievements in 2023-2024 – The Secretariat shared the infographic that was produced indicating main achievements of the TDG Subcommittee during the biennium. Key items that were identified were:
- Introduced a limit of 1.5 million bar liters (pV-product for pressure receptacles to limit worst-case scenario consequences in case of accidents.
- Added new procedures and logic diagrams allowing energetic samples to be screened for their safe transport and tested when warranted.
- Extended the application of some existing provisions for articles containing lithium batteries to articles containing sodium ion batteries and added new provisions for hybrid batteries, containing both lithium ion cells and sodium ion cells.
- Adopted new requirements for the design, construction, inspection and testing on fiber reinforced plastics service equipment for portable tanks.
- The document will be submitted for approval in early 2025. No proposals were considered.
INF.44 (Secretariat) Review of the contributions to the sustainable development goals – The Secretariat reminded the Subcommittee of the continual efforts to support sustainable development goals. The details of Goal 9 and 17 are key for the TDG Subcommittee. The Secretariat indicated the delegations were doing a very good job of noting when a paper supports one of these goals and encouraged everyone to continue the efforts. No proposals were considered.
INF.30 (Secretariat) Draft Resolution 2025/… of the Economic and Social Council – The Secretariat shared a revised Draft Resolution for the TDG and GHS Subcommittees for the 2025-2026 biennium. They noted the effort will lead to the 24th Revised Edition of the Model Regulations and an amendment to Revision 8 of the Manual of Tests and Criteria. The Manual Amendment is expected before the end of 2025. No proposals were considered.
Election of Officers – The Secretariat commented that both Duane Pfund (Chairman) and Remko Dardenne (Vice-Chairman) were both interested and willing to continue in their roles. Australia formally nominated Mr. Pfund as Chairman and the Subcommittee elected him unanimously. The Netherlands formally nominated Mr. Dardenne for Vice-Chairman and the Subcommittee elected him unanimously.
End of discussion of papers for the 65th Session.