IHMM In-Person or Remotely Proctored Exams
The American National Standards Institute [ANSI] has approved Kryterion Remotely Proctored Exams for IHMM’s CHMM, CHMP, and CDGP exams. IHMM has been using the Kryterion Remotely Proctored Exams for the CSHM and CSMP exams since April 2020.
72% of Kryterion in-person testing centers have reopened. If you prefer the comfort and convenience of taking your exam from your home or office instead of at a Kryterion center, IHMM is ready to enroll you in a remotely proctored examination.
Please contact either Kortney Tunstall at [email protected] for the CHMM, CHMP, or CDGP exams or Kaylene Cagle at [email protected] for the CSHM or CSMP exams.
IHMM Credential Recognition
Below you will see the credential badges that are now in each CHMM, CHMP, CDGT, CDGP, Student CHMM, CSHM, CSMP, and ASHM certificant’s MYIHMM account. Every IHMM certificant may use these badges, linked as those below are to their IHMM credential page, for their email signatures, business cards, and other social media applications. You’re justifiably proud of the accomplishment of having earned your credential and you can show the rest of the world. Simply right-click on the badge of choice, then save as to your computer, and then load it to wherever you want to use it, and please link that back to https://ihmm.org/.

IHMM Certificant Recognition
IHMM has completed inserting new credential badges in every certificant’s MYIHMM account. Everyone may access those badges for use in their email signatures, LinkedIn accounts, and other social media and communications media. With a link from your credential badge to the IHMM website [see above] you can not only stand out as an IHMM-certified professional, you can also promote IHMM credentials to others. Right-click on the badge of choice, save as to your computer, then load it to whatever medium you choose.
Throughout our certificant’s MYIHMM accounts are also now placed 10 Year, 20 Year, and 30 Year badges signifying their longevity as an IHMM certified professional.
IHMM has also added Distinguished Diplomates and Fellows of the Institute badges to the appropriate people in the MYIHMM database. These two badges will be accompanied by new lapel pins to be sent to each of those distinguished by holding these designations.
Follow IHMM

IHMM is in all 50 of the United States and in 47 countries around the World.
Need Help? On the IHMM website just click on the “NEED HELP?” button
and let us know what you need and the right person will get right back with you.

IHMM CSHM Scheme Committee Releases New Blueprint
The IHMM CSHM Scheme Committee, [https://ihmm.org/cshm-scheme-committee/] chaired by Steven Guillory, CSHM, is pleased to announce the release of its newly created blueprint. Congratulations to Steven, his entire committee, Jim Brinton, CMS psychometrician, and M. Patricia Buley, IOM, ICE-CCP, our Director of Certification and Accreditation for having renovated the CSHM credential.
Note that the new examination arising from this new blueprint will be administered by the first quarter of 2023. This notice affords everyone interested in producing education and training according to the new blueprint the time with which to create it.
The new blueprint for the IHMM Certified Safety and Health Manager credential is here.

IHMM Board Nominations Open
Heather Waldmann, CHMM, Chair of the IHMM Nominating Committee [https://ihmm.org/nominating-committee/], is pleased to announce the opening of the Board nominating season for 2022.
In 2022 the IHMM Nominating Committee solicits candidates for three [3] director positions that will be open on January 1, 2021. [1] Certified Dangerous Goods Professional [CDGP], [1] Certified Safety and Health Manager [CSHM], and [1] At-Large, that can be either a CHMM, CDGP, CHMP, CSHM, or CSMP.
The documents describing the nominations and elections process and forms for submitting nominations are here:

IHMM-AHMP 45 in 5 Adds Minnesota
IHMM is pleased to announce that the State of Minnesota has been added to our 45 in 5 program’s list of states recognizing IHMM credentials.
The Minnesota Department of Transportation uses CHMMs for its Regulated Materials Management program, handling regulated materials for the DOT and its projects. Minnesota becomes the 8th state in the nation with specific recognition of the IHMM CHMM.
In January 2021 Mark Bruce at AHMP and Gene Guilford at IHMM launched 45 in 5, getting 45 states [now 42 states] to recognize our credentials in 5 years. If we can find a volunteer like Mark in 42 other states we can work with those volunteers on crafting the right message to the right agencies in state governments across the country. If we find enough volunteers we can get this done in less than 5 years.
in January 2021 Gene Guilford released the 40 CFR § 312.10 EPA regulation that states a private certification that meets or exceeds the requirements of the regulation is an Environmental Professional under the regulation. Here is the crosswalk between the 40 CFR § 312.10 EPA regulation and the Certified Hazardous Materials Manager [CHMM] blueprint. The CHMM meets or exceeds the requirements of an Environmental Professional.
IHMM is also working with the U.S. Small Business Administration on SBA SOP 50 10 6, Lender and Development Company Loan Programs, and the definition of an “Environmental Professional” drawn from 40 CFR § 312.10. The SBA in SOP 50 10 6 provides guidance to its participating lending institutions regarding those eligible to perform Phase One environmental site assessments.
EPA Actions to Address PFAS in Commerce Include TSCA Compliance Notification Letter on PFAS in HDPE Containers
EPA Updates Superfund National Priorities List to Clean Up Pollution, Address Public Health Risks, and Build a Better America
Almost 1/5 of Lone Workers Struggled to Get Help After Accident
Maersk Joins Over 300 Companies Who Signed the Climate Pledge
Regulatory Update: Sexual Harassment Law Alters Arbitration
The National Integrated Heat Health Information System (NIHHIS) National Meeting April 26-28, 2022
EPA proposes adding Brillo Landfill site in New York to superfund list
Could We Make Cars out of Petroleum Residue?
Visible Ocean Plastics Just the Tip of the Iceberg
Industrial Discharge of Mercury
National Priorities List
Updating the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts Regulations
OSHA budget increase for FY 2022 much smaller than Biden administration’s request
Remote work amid COVID-19 pandemic led to spikes in mental, physical issues: survey
Your Boss Says to Ignore an OSHA Regulation: How to Handle It Ethically
EPA Restores California’s Clean Air Act Waiver, Allowing the State to Set Its Own Motor Vehicle Emissions Standards
Washington PFAS Ban For Cosmetics Stalls
Wisconsin PFAS Standards One Step Closer To Reality
Construction Safety Week Announces 2022 Dates and Theme
Michigan site added to Superfund list, rated one of the most toxic in nation
Tesla Fines Prove You Need Accurate Hazardous Waste Records
Marine Safety Alert: Lithium Battery Fire
Tank Explosion/Hazardous Materials Transportation Act: Federal Court Considers Whether Alleged Failure to Warn Claim is Preempted
NC fire delivers ‘wake-up call’ on rules for hazardous materials. Will it spark action?
Increasing Worker Safety by Monitoring Toxic Chemical Exposure
Is Climate Change Impacting the Safety of Chemical Facilities? (interactive map)
Reducing Chemical Footprint Lessens Legal and Regulatory Risk
Oregon Occupational Safety and Health to revise COVID-19 workplace guidelines
US Department of Labor, industry stakeholders to co-host online webinar to help protect construction workers from electrical hazards

IHMM Recertification Video Teleconferences
April 13th – 1.00 pm Eastern
IHMM is here to take the fear and trepidation out of the recertification of your credential. You worked hard to prepare for and pass an exam to earn your credential distinction that sets you apart – recertification every 5 years allows you to keep what you have earned.
IHMM will hold a series of video teleconferences that will demonstrate the access to and use of the IHMM Recertification system. If the videos posted on the recertification section of your credential webpage have left you still a bit unsure, then tune in to an IHMM video teleconference scheduled below and we will show you what you need to know to recertify.
- Join online for Video and Screen Sharing: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/jnguyen14
If you have difficulty joining a session please email Jimmy Nguyen at [email protected]
An IHMM expert will be available to answer your questions about recertification! Bring anything you’ve been wondering about or working on, and they will be happy to help. If you happen to stump them (and that’s tough to do), they will help you get an answer from another member of the IHMM team. Pop in for a few minutes, stay for the hour. Join us and learn together with your peers even if you don’t have a specific question to ask.
#1 – Recertification Video
#2 Recertification Video
IHMM Recertification Videos
IHMM is pleased to release two YouTube instructional videos about navigating the IHMM recertification process. These step-by-step videos easily enable IHMM certificants to start and complete a recertification application.
While the full recertification cycle is 5 years, IHMM encourages all certificants to start a recertification application and add certification maintenance points as they are earned to make the final submission quick and easy to accomplish.

Courses are here> https://hazmatsociety.org/education-training/?tribe_paged=1&tribe_event_display=list&tribe-bar-date=2022-01-24&tribe-bar-search=NPETE
These workshops are offered with U.S. DOT PHMSA HMIT (Hazardous Materials Instructor Training) Grant support to the National Partnership for Environmental Technology Education (National PETE).
This training is FREE for employees and federal, state, county, and local government employees involved in DOT HazMat Shipping, Receiving and Handling via Ground, Air, and Vessel Transportation.
The workshop curriculum is in accordance with 49 CFR § 172.704 for General Awareness, Function-Specific, Safety, and Security Awareness training requirements.
Class size is limited to 10-15 students with mask/social distancing protocols, so act fast. Minimum of 6 attendees is needed to confirm the class.
Registration: Contact Mr. Raymond Davis, CHMM, IHMM Fellow, NPETE US DOT PHMSA HMIT Grant Project Coordinator/Instructor at [email protected]
Please provide Mr. Davis with the following registration information via email to [email protected]
Your name, Your company, Your company address/city/state/zip, Phone number, and Email
Upon receipt of your registration information, the address of the training location will be provided.

2022 National Safety Stand-Down for Fall Prevention
This year’s annual National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls will be held May 2-6. Visit the campaign webpage for updates.
As a reminder, anyone who wants to prevent hazards in the workplace can participate in the Stand-Down. Companies can conduct a Safety Stand-Down by taking a break to have a toolbox talk or another safety activity such as conducting safety equipment inspections, developing rescue plans, or discussing job specific hazards. Consider planning a socially/physically distanced stand-down that works for your workplace. See Highlights from the Past Stand-Downs.

Annual IHMM Excellence in EHS Management Award
Each year IHMM is proud to recognize the outstanding achievements and distinction of the CSHM, CSMP, or ASHM that has made a worthy contribution to the communities of practice and the profession.
This award is usually given at the annual National Safety Council Congress.
Nominations begin in March and end in July. Make your nomination here.

National Safety Council
IHMM is a member of the National Safety Council and is pleased to bring this important information to all of our certificants.

American Society of Safety Professionals
IHMM is a member of the American Society of Safety Professionals and is pleased to bring this important information to all of our certificants.
Improper Wear, Comfort and the Evolution of FRC
Prevention Through Design With Limited Resources: It’s a Mindset
Mitigating Liability and Managing Safety on Multiemployer Work Sites
How to Choose a Safety Management System and Show Benefit to Your Company
Q&A: Why Your Safety Management System Needs Prejob Briefings
4 Common Objections Safety Managers Hear and How to Overcome Them
ASSP Webinars
April 7 – May 5 – ONLINE COURSE: Safety Management II
April 14 – Expanding the Impact of Safety Culture Throughout a Contractor Lifecycle
April 20 – Building and Implementing an Arc-Rated and Flame-Resistant Clothing Program for the Arc Flash Hazard
April 28 – Safety in the Balance: How Leaders Influence Desired Safety Outcomes

Beltway Buzz – Ogletree Deakins
Trump-Era Independent Contractor Rule Reinstated. In a decision issued on March 15, 2022, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas reinstated the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) rule, “Independent Contractor Status Under the Fair Labor Standards Act,” which was originally scheduled to take effect on March 8, 2021. The Trump-era rule, which focused on workers’ control over the work and their opportunity for profit and loss, never went into effect as it was quickly paused and then rescinded altogether by the Biden administration. Business groups subsequently filed a legal challenge over the administration’s pause and rescission of the Trump-era rule. In this ruling, the court focused on process—a frequent agency rulemaking slip-up, no matter the administration—holding that the DOL violated the Administrative Procedure Act when rescinding the rule because it did not provide a meaningful opportunity for the public to comment on its proposals and also “refused to ‘meaningfully consider more limited policies’ than the total withdrawal of the Independent Contractor Rule.” The judge reinstated the rule as of its original effective date (March 8, 2021), and it remains in effect. The DOL has not yet stated whether it will appeal the decision.
DOL Proposes Prevailing Wage Changes. With passage of the $1.5 trillion infrastructure law, the administration continues to make policy changes that will impact the implementation of the law. First, President Biden issued his executive order on project labor agreements. Then, late last week, the DOL announced that it is proposing changes to its regulations implementing the Davis-Bacon Act (DBA)—the 1931 law that requires the payment of government-set prevailing wage rates to workers performing work on covered federally funded construction projects. Currently, the prevailing wage is identified as such if it is paid to a majority of workers in the area, otherwise, a weighted average rate is used. The proposal would scrap this formulation in favor of a pre-1983 definition of “prevailing wage” that allows such wage to be set if it is paid to only 30 percent of workers in the area. The proposal also contains new anti-retaliation clauses for covered contracts that are “intended to ensure that workers who raise concerns about payment practices or assist agencies or the Department in investigations are protected from termination or other adverse employment actions.” Finally, the proposal would strengthen agency withholding procedures to aid in backpay recovery when a violation occurs. The proposed changes would also impact the seventy-one other “related acts” that use the DBA prevailing wage calculation.
Federal Contractor Agency Issues New Pay Equity Directive. On March 15, 2022, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) issued a directive that “explains how OFCCP reviews contractors’ compliance with their obligations to conduct an in-depth compensation analysis” and “clarifies OFCCP’s authority to access and review contractors’ pay equity audits.” Of particular note, the directive claims that OFCCP has the authority to order the production of pay equity audits conducted with the assistance of counsel. Leigh M. Nason has the details.
EEOC Issues COVID-19 Caregiver Guidance. This week the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued a technical assistance document that provides guidance relating to discrimination against applicants and employees who have COVID-19–related caregiving responsibilities. For example, the guidance reminds employers that it is unlawful to refuse to hire a female applicant, or take an adverse action against a female employee, based on the assumption that she is focused on COVID-19–related caregiving responsibilities (e.g., such as staying home with children who are participating in remote learning). Similarly, it would be unlawful to prohibit a male employee from working a flexible schedule to care for a family member with COVID-19, if similarly situated female employees are granted such permission. The guidance also provides other examples relating to other protected categories—such as race, age, LGBTQI+ status—and COVID-19–related caregiving responsibilities.
House Bans Arbitration. Following the recent enactment of the Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act of 2021, congressional opponents of alternative dispute resolution are looking to strike while the iron is hot. On March 17, 2022, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to pass the Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal (FAIR) Act by a vote of 222-209. The bill prohibits predispute arbitration agreements in employment, consumer, antitrust, and civil rights disputes. Due to its broad scope, the bill faces an uphill climb in the U.S. Senate.
Time of the Season. Because the Buzz has previously reported on national efforts to set certain uniform time policies, we feel duty bound to report that the U.S. Senate this week passed—by unanimous consent—the Sunshine Protection Act, a bill that would make daylight saving time permanent. Of course, this is not the first time we have tried permanent daylight saving time. As a result of a similar act of the U.S. Congress, beginning in January 1974, the United States switched to permanent daylight saving time on a two-year trial basis. However, the switch was so unpopular, it lasted less than a year. By August 1974, Congress voted to return to our current system (the vote in the U.S. House of Representatives was an overwhelming 383 to 16), and then-president Gerald Ford signed the legislation in October 1974. No word yet on how the House of Representatives will respond to the bill.

EPA Publishes Final Scope of D4 Risk Evaluation, Seeks Comment on Draft Revision to PV29 Risk Determination
On March 7, 2022, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the availability of the final scope of the risk evaluation to be conducted for octamethylcyclotetra-siloxane (D4), a chemical substance for which EPA received a manufacturer request for risk evaluation under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). 87 Fed. Reg. 12696. The scope document includes the conditions of use (COU), hazards, exposures, and the potentially exposed or susceptible subpopulations (PESS) that EPA plans to consider in conducting the risk evaluation for this chemical substance. EPA also published a separate notice announcing the availability of and requesting public comment on a draft revision to the risk determination for the Colour Index Pigment Violet 29 (PV29) risk evaluation. 87 Fed. Reg. 12690. EPA states that the draft revision finds that PV29, as a whole chemical substance, presents an unreasonable risk of injury to health when evaluated under its COUs. The draft revision would supersede the COU-specific no unreasonable risk determinations in the January 2021 PV29 risk evaluation, would withdraw the associated order, and would make a revised determination of unreasonable risk for PV29 as a whole chemical substance. EPA notes that in addition, the draft revised risk determination does not reflect an assumption that workers always appropriately wear personal protective equipment (PPE). Comments on the draft revision to the PV29 risk determination are due April 21, 2022. For more information, please read the full memorandum.
Read more > https://www.lawbc.com/regulatory-developments/entry/epa-publishes-final-scope-of-d4-risk-evaluation-seeks-comment-on-draft-revi

EPA Seeks Public Input on Industrial Stormwater Fact Sheet Series
On January 25, 2022, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a Federal Register Notice to seek public input for 60 days on the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Industrial Stormwater Fact Sheet Series. EPA’s industrial stormwater program has 29 fact sheets currently posted online for each sector covered under the 2021 Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) for stormwater discharges from industrial activity. Each fact sheet describes the types of facilities included in the sector, typical stormwater pollutants associated with the sector, and types of stormwater control measures (SCMs) that may be used to minimize the discharge of the pollutants.
EPA is particularly focused on updating: common activities, pollutant sources, and associated pollutants at facilities in each sector; and SCMs or best management practices (BMPs), including source control and good housekeeping/pollution prevention measures for potential pollutant sources at facilities in each sector. In updating the fact sheets, EPA will consider input received in response to this notice as well as any relevant comments related to the content of the fact sheets that the Agency received during the public comment period for the proposed 2021 MSGP. The fact sheets can be found in the docket (Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OW-2022-0097) and at https://www.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater-discharges-industrial-activities-fact-sheets-and-guidance.
The comment period closes on March 28, 2022. The Federal Register Notice can be found here: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/01/25/2022-01382/national-pollutant-discharge-elimination-system-npdes-industrial-stormwater-fact-sheet-series.
For any questions related to this announcement, please contact [email protected]

FEDERAL CREDENTIAL RECOGNITION – CALL TO ACTION – Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act
CALL TO ACTION – Representative Spanberger of Virginia’s 7th Congressional District has drafted legislation entitled, H.R. 2171, “Freedom To Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act.” This legislation expands the provisions of existing law with respect to the allowable uses of Section 529 education tuition accounts to include most expenses paid by the holders of private professional certifications. We need you to contact your House and Senate members to ask them to co-sponsor this legislation.
You can support this effort with your voice and message. Go here> https://ihmm.org/45-in-5-task-force/ and fill out your contact information where provided and help to pass H.R. 2171/S. 905.


The graphic to the left illustrates the relationship between IHMM and HMS. IHMM formed HMS to serve IHMM’s certificants. IHMM offers a variety of professional credentials and HMS creates education and training programs to serve the applicants and certificants of those credentials.
CHEMTREC Becomes An HMS Annual Training Agenda Vendor
HMS is pleased to announce CHEMTREC [https://www.chemtrec.com/] has become an education and training vendor and a part of the development of the HMS Annual Training Agendas.
CHEMTREC is an Emergency Response Information Provider (ERIP). CHEMTREC is the premier call center for hazmat emergency response coordination. CHEMTREC’s world-leading call center operates on a 24-hour basis, seven days a week, providing emergency response information wherever hazardous materials are manufactured, stored, transported, or used. With the right procedures and protocols in place, and by doing what’s right quickly and effectively, CHEMTREC helps minimize environmental impacts, protect people, and preserve the assets and reputations of its customers.
Operating globally, CHEMTREC has offices in major regions and on-the-ground knowledge of local regulations, understanding of local nuances, and appreciation of cultural sensitivities. CHEMTREC offers a suite of services along with L1 emergency response, including SDS management and authoring, hazardous materials training, crisis management, L2/L3 notification services, carrier solutions, data reporting, and lithium battery solutions. CHEMTREC is proud to contribute to the practice of safe handling and transportation of hazardous materials throughout the supply chain.
Environmental Workshops Becomes An HMS Annual Training Agenda Vendor
HMS is pleased to announce Environmental Workshops, LLC [https://enviroworkshops.com/] has become an education and training vendor and a part of the development of the HMS Annual Training Agendas.
Environmental Workshops, headquartered in North Carolina, is the largest training organization for environmental professionals worldwide. Since 2013, we have been training environmental professionals on the latest technologies in the industry. We have hosted over 300 workshops on 6 continents and more than 25,000 people have registered for our Professional Development Hours (PDH). Our sponsors are leaders in the environmental market and many of our speakers hold multiple patents and degrees. Their presentations address the following topics: Remediation, Vapor Intrusion, Air Monitoring, Air Quality, and Waste Water.
Linking IHMM and HMS Exam Training
Every IHMM credential page has a section providing guidance on Exam Preparation.
In each credential’s Exam Preparation section is the graphic at left, linked to the section of the Hazardous Materials Society [HMS] website where the applicant can find the exam prep courses being offered to assist the applicant with preparing for the IHMM exam.
If you are a vendor offering exam prep courses and your prep course is on the HMS site, IHMM applicants will find it. If you do not have an exam prep course on the HMS site, no applicant will find it.
Click on the graphic at the left, from the CHMM Exam Preparation page, and see where it takes you. Is your prep course there?
Make your IHMM credential exam prep courses visible to IHMM applicants by contacting Gene Guilford at [email protected]
Water and Wastewater Engineer, Hydro-Terra Group, Westminster, MD
Senior Compliance Engineer – Hazardous Location, Otter Products, Ft. Collins CO, San Diego CA, Remote
Director, Environmental, Covanta, New Jersey
Assistant Director – Environmental Programs, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
Chief, Departmental Operations – Hazardous Materials Division, County of San Diego, CA
Environmental Health & Safety Manager – Lead, KLA-Tencor, Ann Arbor, MI
Sr. Talent Acquisition Partner, KLA-Tencor, Ann Arbor
Donate to HMS
One of the most important projects of the Hazardous Materials Society is our Scholarship Program.
HMS wants to make it as easy as possible for those who cannot always afford to participate in pursuing certification, or keeping up with professional development, or attending great conferences and receiving outstanding training. HMS does not solicit contributions from the general public. HMS does ask IHMM’s certificants and their companies and our education and training vendors to consider a contribution.
Here, through your generosity, you can make a difference in promoting the ability of those who can afford it least to become participants in our communities of practice.
It’s never too late to make a difference, so don’t let this opportunity to make a difference pass you by. Please consider a tax-deductible donation of $250, $500 or what you can to help build HMS’s effort to help others in our communities of practice.
Member Benefits of Hazardous Materials Society
81% of IHMM certificants are aware of the Hazardous Materials Society, which we appreciate. IHMM established the Hazardous Materials Society in order to support and provide services to IHMM certificants.
Did You Know?
Your company’s membership dues for Associate Membership in the Hazardous Materials Society (HMS) are 100% tax-deductible and your participation directly supports scholarship and education/training opportunities for professionals working in hazmat and EHS. Joining as an Associate Member expresses your commitment and your company’s leadership in giving back to our professional community. Join today to claim your tax deduction for the 2020 tax year while expressing your company’s professional affiliation and accessing tools for your marketing and business development plans.
To learn more about what HMS is doing now and what they are planning for the future, please see the new Member Benefits page here.
In February of 2020, the World Health Organization’s director-general has declared a public health emergency of international concern over the ongoing outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus. On March 13, 2020 President Trump declared a national emergency for the United States. IHMM and HMS’ first concern is with the safety and health of all of us; our staff and families, colleagues, certificants and members. We will update this page regularly as credible, authoritative information is available.
Vaccine Data Dashboard. We have a specific dashboard dedicated to state vaccination plans, updated daily. For each state, you’ll find:
Current distribution phase,
A brief overview of a state plan,
Current and future eligible populations, and
Links to state documentation.

A Collaborative Culture
There are 614 different conversations going on in the IHMM/HMS Collaboration platform this week.
A collaborative culture is important for every business but is especially important for our hazardous materials, dangerous goods, environment, health, and safety communities of practice. Do you have a problem you need to solve and want the opinions of your colleagues? This is where we come together to help each other.
IHMM credentialed professionals are at the top 1% of their professions and their reach is global. We are at the forefront of environmental protection, health, and safety and this is where collaborating with the best people in their fields, always willing to help one another, lessens the stress of our jobs, and where we strive as a team to make a difference of which we are proud.
We opened COLLABORATION to enable thousands of certificants and supporters to collaborate together. You can collaborate here.
Access to COLLABORATION is through the same username/password you use to access your MYIHMM account. Having a problem? Contact Jimmy Nguyen at [email protected]

Retiring? IHMM Invites You to Become an Emeritus
You may have decided, after a long and successful career, to retire from active daily duty. Congratulations. That doesn’t mean you have to completely disengage from your profession. IHMM is pleased to offer Emeritus status to all certificants who will no longer be actively engaged in their communities of practice but who still want to stay in touch. Please let us know when you’re approaching that decision and we will assist you in the credential transition.
Please contact Jim Drosdak at [email protected] and he’ll be happy to help you.
Columbia Southern University
The Hazardous Materials Society [HMS] is a partner of Columbia Southern University. Columbia Southern University is an online university based in Orange Beach, Alabama, that strives to change and improve lives through higher education by enabling students to maximize their professional and personal potential.
A subsidiary of Columbia Southern Education Group, CSU offers online degree programs at the associate, bachelor, master, doctorate or certificate levels in a multitude of areas such as occupational safety and health, fire administration, criminal justice, business administration, human resource management, health care administration and more. CSU also features undergraduate and graduate certificate programs to provide focused training in specialized areas for adult learners.
Click on the CSU graphic at left and learn more about the professional development and degree program opportunities at CSU.
IHMM will attend and support a number of conferences and trade shows throughout 2022, virtually as well as in-person as COVID issues allow. Below are some of the conferences IHMM will support in 2022.
Are there conferences you believe IHMM should attend that do not appear here? If so, let us know by sending an email to [email protected]
AHMP National Conference
March 20-23, 2022
Planet Hollywood Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada
Visit IHMM at Booth #111 in the trade show
Pre-conference workshops at the AHMP National Conference for 2022 include a Certified Dangerous Goods Professional [CDGP] exam prep course offered by Gene Sanders. The 3-day exam prep course will be offered on March 18-19-20. For more information see> https://ahmp.confex.com/ahmp/2022/meetingapp.cgi/Session/5584
Information about the AHMP National Conference is found here.
EnviroWorkShops 2022 Global Enviro Summit
April 4-7, 2022
Charlotte, North Carolina
Visit IHMM at Booth #66 at the trade show
Contaminated soil, groundwater, and the air is a global issue and over $1 trillion is spent every year to mitigate pollution. There is a lot still to learn from each other on how each segment of the environmental industry impacts the next. The 2021 Global EnviroSummit is postponed until April 4-7, 2022 due to COVID-19 Delta variant.
With over 75 speakers from around the globe, the EnviroSummit is likely the first environmental conference that will have presentations from all 6 continents about 4 different themes – Remediation, Air Quality, Vapor Intrusion, and Wastewater.
Register Here – IHMM Certificants Receive a 10% Discount Using IHMM25

IHMM had a record number of applications in 2021 – 704. In 2021 IHMM delivered the largest number of examinations since 2016 – 477. IHMM has 975 students in the pipeline moving through applications and examinations. IHMM has 358 students taking examinations right now. IHMM has another 546 students headed to take examinations.
Are you seeing this business as a vendor of education and training services?
Contact IHMM Executive Director Eugene A. Guilford, Jr., CAE, at [email protected]
IHMM has a companion organization for which education and training programs are presented and delivered. The Hazardous Materials Society is IHMM’s Professional Association and HMS’ education and training website can be found here.
9210 Corporate Boulevard, Suite 470
Rockville, Maryland, 20850
www.ihmm.org | [email protected]
Phone: 301-984-8969 | Fax: 301-984-1516