Professional Credentials

IHMM professional credentials are earned and are awarded to verify one’s professional qualifications and competence.
Earning an IHMM professional credential attests to a formal process and successful completion of the most demanding
and stringent standards of testing and meeting or exceeding knowledge, skills, and abilities of the highest excellence.

IHMM credentials provide a trusted measure of professional credibility to employers, the public, and government
agencies at all levels. Once earned, the designated letters of one’s credentials are placed after one’s name.
Once earned, the bearer joins a unique group of the top 1% of their profession.

IHMM Certificants are professionals in the top 1% of their communities of practice

Benefits of IHMM Credentials

In acquiring an IHMM credential you would be joining a select group of distinguished professionals in the top 1% of their communities of practice. Earning IHMM Credentials can also provide many other benefits, including improved career prospects and enhanced earning power. According to a recent salary survey, the median annual base salary of individuals holding a credential from IHMM – is $100,000, about 20 percent greater than the median annual base salary of survey respondents who held no certification; $83,000. Further, when years of experience are taken into account, salaries are approximately10 percent higher for IHMM credential holders with 5 to 14 years experience than a professional with the same experience not holding a credential.



A Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM®) credential from IHMM is an “Environmental Professional” under EPA regulation 40 CFR §312.10 and distinguishes your level of expertise and a commitment to your profession. Corporations, universities, and government agencies depend on credentials to help them identify individuals who are driven to the continual learning of the nation’s environmental laws and regulations. Add a CHMM® credential to your resume and become a sought-after environmental professional.


Educated by experience. Developed by discipline. Addicted to progress. Energized by excellence. Welcome home, you are among those who highly respect your skills. IHMM’s Certified Hazardous Materials Practitioner (CHMP®) credential recognizes the highest standard of proficiency for front-line hazardous materials workers. Acquiring the CHMP credential will provide added assurance to both you and your employer of the secure and proper handling and management of hazardous materials in the workplace.

A CHMP® credential signals a level of competence and skill that is in high demand among employers today.


IHMM’s Certified Dangerous Goods Professional (CDGP®) credential is an unbiased verification that a company employs a global multi-modal hazmat transportation expert, as the CDGP recognizes expertise in dealing with the safe, secure, and compliant multi-modal transportation of dangerous goods internationally under the model regulations published by the United Nations, International Maritime Organization, International Civil Aviation Organization, and International Air Transport Association.


IHMM’s Certified Dangerous Goods Trainer (CDGT ®) credential is awarded to professionals who have demonstrated knowledge and expertise in dangerous goods regulations by first earning the CDGP credential, and then demonstrating mastery of instructional technology and the concepts and principles of Instructional Technology (CIT certification from the Board of Certified Safety Professionals.)


IHMM’s Student Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (ST/CHMM™) credential recognizes students who wish to demonstrate their development of knowledge and skills in hazardous materials management while pursuing their undergraduate or graduate degree. Student CHMM’s are also eligible for the IHMM Dr. John H. Frick Memorial Scholarship, a $32,000 program to assist our student certificants with the costs of their education.


An Associate Hazardous Materials Manager (AHMM) is specifically for [a] recent college graduates with little or no experience, [b] military personnel or those out of the military with no degree and less than 3 years of experience, or [c] other professionals such as first responders who have no degree or less than 3 years of experience. The AHMM is an early career professional with experience in handling hazardous materials in a wide variety of specialties, such as safety, environmental protection, compliance, or basic dangerous goods transportation. The AHMM professional focuses on technical knowledge and expertise in handling hazardous materials gained from some experience in the United States military from time in a military occupation specialty code [MOS] or Air Force Specialty Codes [AFSC], or formal education in undergraduate or graduate degree studies in applied science, environmental science, environmental engineering, chemistry, biology, physics, or geology.



IHMM’s Certified Safety and Health Manager (CSHM™) credential recognizes environmental, health and safety managers who have a mastery of OSHA regulations and industry standards as well as exceptional management skills. The holder of this credential manages for worker and workplace safety. As a health and safety manager, you are focused on the safety of your employees and workplace. Now you can be recognized for your commitment with a CSHM™ credential.


Educated by experience. Developed by discipline. Addicted to progress. Energized by excellence. Welcome home, you are among those who highly respect your skills. IHMM’s Certified Safety Management Practitioner (CSMP™) credential recognizes workplace safety and health professionals who have a less formal education but can demonstrate a mastery of workplace safety and labor law regulations earned through training and experience. Gain the trust and confidence of your colleagues and management with a CSMP™ credential.


IHMM’s Associate Safety and Health Manager (ASHM™) credential recognizes professionals who are recent Bachelor’s degree graduates with a focus in health and safety-related fields. This credential puts the holder on the fast-track to the CSHM credential. With ASHM™ on your resume, you tell employers you’re serious about a career in EHS Management.


IHMM’s Student Associate Safety & Health Manager (ST/ASHM™) credential recognizes students who wish to demonstrate their development of knowledge and skills in safety and health management in the workplace while pursuing their undergraduate or graduate degree. Student ASHM’s are also eligible for the IHMM Dr. John H. Frick Memorial Scholarship, a $32,000 program to assist our student certificants with the costs of their education.


IHMM’s Certified School Safety Manager™ [CSSM™] credential certifies the school safety professional who is responsible for overseeing and supporting key operational and safety functions in educational facilities. This position may provide direct supervision or advise operations and academic programs in order to provide an environment free of recognized hazards.



America and the World were not prepared for COVID-19, and according to the federal government, we are not ready for the next pandemic. IHMM has created the Certified Pandemic Preparedness Specialist™ [CPPS™] microcredential as our contribution to being prepared for the next pandemic. A Certified Pandemic Preparedness Specialist™ (CPPS™) microcredential holder is first a CHMM or CSHM credentialed professional who has demonstrated, through education, experience, and examination, the ability to identify and assess the risks associated with pathogens and their effect on public health, commerce, industry, and/or government operations.

Recertification of Your Credential

Congratulations. After hard work and dedication, you earned your professional credential. Now, every 5 years you will need to recertify your valuable credential. Over 5 years you need to earn 200 certification maintenance points or CMPs. You receive 100 CMPs for the job you perform, and then need to earn a minimum of another 100 CMPs in a variety of ways demonstrating your commitment to continuous improvement and remaining current with the demands of your profession and our communities of practice. As there is no recertification for the Student CHMM, Student ASHM or the ASHM, this section does not apply to the Student CHMM, Student ASHM or the ASHM credentials.

Considering everything you did to achieve certification, don’t let it go to waste by failing to recertify.

IHMM will remind you, fairly often, about your impending recertification deadline. If you follow the steps outlined below you will find this process fairly easy to accomplish. Start with the advice in Step #1!

Step 1

Be proactive and enter your CMPs as you earn them. CMPs must be claimed following the guidelines in the IHMM Recertification Handbook.

Step 2

In your MYIHMM account, start your recertification application now to track CMPs as you go. Go to MYIHMM > then MENU > then Recertification > then Create a New Recertification Application.

Step 3

Keep your employment status and professional information current in your MYIHMM account. Please make sure your annual fees are also up-to-date.

Step 4

In your 5th year, make sure all information is correct, confirm your minimum of 200 CMPs, and submit application. Don’t worry, we’ll remind you along the way, too!

Step 5

Audits. Keep records of employment and CMPs requested. We may check in from time to time to assure accuracy.

Following these simple steps will make your recertification simple and easy to complete. Go to your online MYIHMM account, using your unique username and password.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact Jimmy Nguyen at [email protected] or Jelian Labri at [email protected] and someone will assist you.

IHMM Recertification Videos

IHMM has prepared these step-by-step videos for you to watch as you prepare your recertification application. Start with Video #1 and then move on to Video #2.

Recertification Video #1 – Start Here
Recertification Video #2 – Finish Here