Mark Bruce and Gene Guilford launched 45 in 5 in January 2021, so about 18 months ago. The “45” was a target to add 45 states recognizing our credentials as we had 5 at the time, and the “5” was for 5 years. How are we doing after the first 18 months?  Note: IHMM intends on engaging in this work on behalf of ALL of our credentials. 

Our progress is here >

After adding the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that Mark led, we added Nebraska, Colorado, and Minnesota.  By the fall of 2021, the group wanted us to focus on federal agencies, so we embarked on some research to add to the 8 agencies that already recognized the CHMM.


  • In February we worked with the Pacific Northwest Chapter of AHMP and filed comments on a state pollution liability agency’s rulemaking. This group has tried to get the State of Washington to recognize the CHMM since 2010, so I suggested a different approach that the agency didn’t like any better. Washington doesn’t endorse anyone for anything, preferring to have the freedom to hire whom they want based on their needs at the time, absent any public, transparent standard. It may be time for our friends in Washington State to go to their legislature and have a chat with the Governor.


  • In May we issued the SBA recognition of the CHMM in its guidance to lenders for performing Phase I and Phase II site assessments as SBA has adopted 40 CFR 312.10 as its standard.


  • In May we issued the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recognition of the CSHM in its Safety and Health Requirements Manual (EM 385-1-1) is the gold standard for Safety and Occupational Health regulations. [that reference is from USACE]. Further, in the rulemaking on the new manual IHMM filed comments introducing the CHMM and CSMP credentials and their updated blueprints along with the new CSHM blueprint. This rulemaking should be completed by late summer, 2022. See:


Back to the states, we have asked a member of our Board, an attorney, for assistance with doing an electronic search of all state statutes adopting 40 CFR 312.10, as many have. When we re-engage on states it is helpful to know what is already in place.

Between February and now we have had 3 staff transitions, 1 due to retirement and two due to illness so unfortunately much of my time has been spent on ensuring those transitions have gone smoothly, even though we did work on and publish the 3 federal issues and 1 state action mentioned above.

Richie Spangler, our Board Chair, gave a presentation to the April AHMP meeting of delegates, where special emphasis was given to the EPA recognition under 40 CFR 312.10 and several of the chapters have asked if they could reprint the material and, of course, we strongly encourage that.

See >  EPA Recognition of the IHMM CHMM as an Environmental Professional
3 lawyers from a Washington, DC law firm, including 2 former EPA administrators, told me that the reading of the rule and crosswalk that I did was correct.
  • IHMM is also developing a Certified Pandemic Preparedness Specialist [CPPS] credential that came to our Board in March. We intend to work with the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness, formed out of the belief that America is not ready for the next pandemic and so the Administration has assembled a 7-year, $65 billion effort to get America prepared and IHMM will be a part of that effort. The CPPS is a microcredential, where one must first be a CHMM or CSHM before being able to sit for an exam. Again, the CPPS is in development.

That is what we have undertaken in the first 18 months of a 5-year program, all of which are published in IHMM Today, IHMM Twitter, IHMM Facebook, and IHMM LinkedIn, as they occur.

I want to thank Mark Bruce for his tireless efforts. It is a pleasure to work with someone whose only objective is to get something done. We have a great deal more to do. We regard every new rulemaking, state or federal, and legislation, as opportunities to get involved.