IHMM Today August 2, 2022

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IHMM In-Person or Remotely Proctored Exams

The American National Standards Institute [ANSI] has approved Kryterion Remotely Proctored Exams for IHMM’s CHMM, CHMP, and CDGP exams. IHMM has been using the Kryterion Remotely Proctored Exams for the CSHM and CSMP exams since April 2020.

76% of Kryterion in-person testing centers have reopened. If you prefer the comfort and convenience of taking your exam from your home or office instead of at a Kryterion center, IHMM is ready to enroll you in a remotely proctored examination.

Please contact either Kortney Tunstall at [email protected] for the CHMM, Student CHMM, CHMP, or CDGP exams or Kaylene Cagle at [email protected] for the Student ASHM, CSHM, or CSMP exams.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

IHMM Today is an online publication of the Institute of Hazardous Materials Management (IHMM)

Other than content specifically provided by IHMM, articles contained in IHMM Today
are compiled from independent sources and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of IHMM.

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IHMM Credential Recognition

Below you will see the credential badges that are now in each CHMM, CHMP, CDGT, CDGP, Student CHMM, CSHM, CSMP, and ASHM certificant’s MYIHMM account. Every IHMM certificant may use these badges, linked as those below are to their IHMM credential page, for their email signatures, business cards, and other social media applications. You’re justifiably proud of the accomplishment of having earned your credential and you can show the rest of the world. Simply right-click on the badge of choice, then save as to your computer, and then load it to wherever you want to use it, and please link that back to https://ihmm.org/.

Institute of Hazardous Materials Management| Phone: 301-984-8969 | [email protected]

IHMM Certificant Recognition

Throughout our certificant’s MYIHMM accounts are placed 10 Year, 20 Year, and 30 Year badges signifying their longevity as an IHMM certified professional.

With a link from your credential badge to the IHMM website [see above] you can not only stand out as an IHMM-certified professional, you can also promote IHMM credentials to others. Right-click on the badge of choice, save as to your computer, then load it to whatever medium you choose.

IHMM has Distinguished Diplomates and Fellows of the Institute badges to the appropriate people in the MYIHMM database. These two badges are accompanied by lapel pins sent to each of those distinguished by holding these designations.

IHMM is in all 50 of the United States and in 47 countries around the World.

IHMM Credentials Accredited By


Need Help? On the IHMM website just click on the “NEED HELP?” button
and let us know what you need and the right person will get right back with you.

EPA Holds Kick-Off Meeting for TSCA New Chemical Engineering Outreach Initiative

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) New Chemicals Program held a webinar on July 27, 2022, to provide an in-depth look at its analysis of common issues that cause EPA to have to reconduct risk assessments (“rework”) of new chemicals. As reported in our June 27, 2022, memorandum, in June 2022, EPA announced a broad outreach effort to describe and to discuss with stakeholders how EPA evaluates engineering data (i.e., data related to environmental release and worker exposure) provided for new chemicals submissions under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and common issues that cause EPA to have to rework risk assessments for these submissions. EPA has posted the meeting slides online. For more information, please read the full memorandum.   

Read more > https://www.lawbc.com/regulatory-developments/entry/epa-holds-kick-off-meeting-for-tsca-new-chemical-engineering-outreach-initi


Virtual Guided Learning
August 18, 2022 – September 22, 2022
Register Here

The U.S. EPA is pleased to announce the opening of registration for the the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Basic Permit Writers’ Virtual Guided Learning Course starting on August 18, 2022, with an afternoon session running for five weeks.

The objective of this course is to provide the basic regulatory framework and technical considerations that support the development of wastewater discharge permits required under the NPDES program. The course was designed for permit writers with about six months to one year of experience in the NPDES program, but experienced permit writers wanting a refresher course and other water program staff or interested parties wanting to learn more about the NPDES program also are welcome.

The 5-week course will begin on Thursday, August 18, 2022. Participants should anticipate a time commitment of approximately 8-10 hours per week and should seek supervisor approval before signing up. The course is scheduled to conclude on September 22nd, however a “rain date” of September 29th should be reserved by the participants in case of technical issues.

Each week, participants will have assigned “homework” consisting of NPDES online modules and permit exercises. These modules and exercises will then be discussed in a live virtual classroom setting on Tuesday and Thursday of each week. Participants will have the opportunity to join live office hour discussions with instructors and other participants each Tuesday as well.

Microsoft Teams will be utilized for the virtual classroom and can be accessed through the desktop application or a web browser. Course materials will be provided electronically on the Microsoft Teams classroom site for download by the participants prior to the start date.

As a foundational course, the training does not address in detail specialized topics such as industrial and municipal stormwater, concentrated animal feeding operations, and pesticide discharges. For more information on these specialized topics, please visit EPA’s NPDES website at www.epa.gov/npdes.

Course Schedule and Logistics

An afternoon session is available for this course offering. Please see the registration page for the agenda with dates and times.

There is no cost for the course. Registration is limited and available at:

NPDES Permit Writers’ Course – Virtual Guided Learning August 2022 (PM)

Detailed Summary of PHMSA Final Rule HM-215P

On July 26, 2022, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) published the final ruling on Hazardous Materials: Harmonization with International Standards rulemaking, HM-215P. This memo provides a high-level overview of the changes. PHMSA also published an article related to this ruling which can be found HERE.

Read more here > https://ihmm.org/detailed-summary-of-phmsa-final-rule-hm-215p/

EPA Requires TRI Reporting for Five Additional PFAS

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a final rule on July 18, 2022, updating the list of chemicals subject to toxic chemical release reporting under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) and the Pollution Prevention Act (PPA). 87 Fed. Reg. 42651. The final rule updates the regulations to identify five per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) that must be reported pursuant to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 (NDAA) enacted on December 20, 2019. According to EPA, as this action is being taken to conform the regulations to a Congressional legislative mandate, notice and comment rulemaking is unnecessary. The final rule will be effective August 17, 2022. For more information, please read the full memorandum.

Read more > https://www.lawbc.com/regulatory-developments/entry/epa-requires-tri-reporting-for-five-additional-pfas

EPA CSO Tools Published on Website

EPA has posted beta versions of three CSO tools that are intended to help communities with combined sewer overflows and permitting authorities with the planning and management of different aspects of CSO programs. Links to the tools can be found below:

  • Long-Term Control Plan (LTCP) Review Checklist: Checklist designed to help CSO permittees and NPDES authorities determine if LTCPs meet the requirements of the CWA and CSO Control Policy, and conform with EPA guidance on developing LTCPs.
  • Post-Construction Compliance Monitoring (PCCM) Checklist: Checklist designed to help CSO permittees and NPDES authorities develop and evaluate PCCM programs to meet the requirements of the CWA and CSO Control Policy, and conform with EPA guidance on PCCM.
  • Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Model for Small Communities: Planning tool for small CSO communities that want a reasonably simple approach for estimating a CSO occurrence, as well as treated or untreated CSO volume over a 24-hour period, and have limited resources to invest in more advanced CSO monitoring and modeling.

Each tool consists of an interactive spreadsheet, fact sheet or user guide, and two recorded trainings (with the third coming soon). These tools, which are currently in beta test versions, do not present new or changed requirements but rather attempt to help break down information in a more digestible and interactive fashion. EPA is requesting feedback via web form on how to further improve the utility of these tools in the future. Please submit your suggestions by December 31, 2022.

If you have any questions, contact Mohammed Billah at [email protected] or Kathryn Kazior at [email protected]

TSCA New Approach Methodologies

Wednesday, August 3, 2022
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. (EDT)

The 2016 amendments to the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) require the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) “to reduce and replace” vertebrate animals to the extent practicable, scientifically justified, and consistent with TSCA policies. EPA is also required to “develop a strategic plan to promote the development and implementation of alternative test methods and strategies to reduce, refine, or replace vertebrate animal testing and provide information of equivalent or better scientific quality and relevance for assessing risks of injury to health or the environment of chemical substances or mixtures.”

These are tall orders, and EPA has worked hard to fulfill Congress’s expectations. This webinar will:

  • Highlight examples of EPA’s use of non-vertebrate testing strategies, commonly referred to as “new approach methodologies” or NAMs, in its evaluation of new and existing chemical substances under TSCA Sections 5 and 6, respectively;
  • Provide examples of successful collaborations between EPA and external partners to advance the understanding and use of NAMs for informing regulatory scientific questions;
  • Provide perspectives from former EPA scientists and non-governmental organization scientists on the types of data needs required to advance the acceptance and use of NAMs over existing vertebrate alternatives; and
  • Provide a proposed roadmap for engaging EPA scientists on the types of questions EPA scientists will likely ask when considering proposals for utilizing NAMs as part of regulatory filings.

Register now to join Lynn L. Bergeson, Richard E. Engler, Ph.D., James W. Cox, M.S., and Kristie Sullivan, MPH, as Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. (B&C®) presents “TSCA New Approach Methodologies.

IHMM Launches Scholarship Program

IHMM is pleased to announce the launch of the  IHMM Scholarship program.

The Institute of Hazardous Materials Management is pleased to have created $32,000 in academic scholarships, divided equally between $16,000 for students enrolled in undergraduate or graduate education in approved schools and who are also Student CHMMs, and $16,000 for students enrolled in undergraduate or graduate education in approved schools and who are also Student ASHMs.

IHMM seeks to foster the growth and academic success of students whose courses of education, and participation in one of our Student certifications, will lead to those students becoming fully-certified IHMM credential holders later in their professional lives.

The 2022 deadline for submitting applications to the IHMM Scholarship Committee is October 15, 2022!

Go to >  https://ihmm.org/scholarship/

IHMM CHMMⓇ 2022 Salary Survey

IHMM is pleased to release its 2022 salary survey for Certified Hazardous Materials ManagersⓇ [CHMMⓇ] across a broad range of position titles in the CHMMⓇ community of practice.

You may download the CHMM survey here.

IHMM CSHMⓇ 2022 Salary Survey

IHMM is pleased to release its 2022 salary survey for Certified Safety and Health Managers Ⓡ [CSHMⓇ] across a broad range of position titles in the CSHMⓇ community of practice.

You may download the CSHM survey here.

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IHMM-AHMP 45 in 5 Credential Recognition During Its First 18 Months

Mark Bruce and Gene Guilford launched 45 in 5 in January 2021, so about 18 months ago. The “45” was a target to add 45 states recignizing our credentials, as we had 5 at the time, and the “5” was for 5 years. How are we doing after the first 18 months?  Note: IHMM intends on engaging in this work on behalf of ALL of our credentials. 

Our progress is here > https://ihmm.org/credential-recognition/

After adding the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that Mark led, we added Nebraska, Colorado, and Minnesota.  By the fall of 2021, the group wanted us to focus on federal agencies, so we embarked on some research to add to the 8 agencies that already recognized the CHMM.

Read more > https://ihmm.org/ihmm-ahmp-45-in-5-during-its-first-18-months/

IHMM Fellows Becoming Mentors

IHMM Fellows Committee Chair Atanu Das, CHMM, is leading the effort within the IHMM Collaboration networking platform to provide instruction to the more than 75 IHMM Fellows in becoming mentors.

Given the extraordinary experience Fellows have, this is a unique opportunity for IHMM Fellows to help guide more recent certificants in their professional development activities.

IHMM’s Collaboration platform contains a “Mentor Match” module [see below at right] that allows mentors to signup designating the hours, number of mentees, subject areas, and length of time they wish to mentor – as well as allowing mentees to signup requesting assistance in specified areas. The mentor match module does the rest by matching mentors and mentees.


#1 – Recertification Video
#2 Recertification Video

IHMM Recertification Videos

IHMM is pleased to release two YouTube instructional videos about navigating the IHMM recertification process. These step-by-step videos easily enable IHMM certificants to start and complete a recertification application.

While the full recertification cycle is 5 years, IHMM encourages all certificants to start a recertification application and add certification maintenance points as they are earned to make the final submission quick and easy to accomplish.


Courses are here> https://hazmatsociety.org/education-training/?tribe_paged=1&tribe_event_display=list&tribe-bar-date=2022-01-24&tribe-bar-search=NPETE

These workshops are offered with U.S. DOT PHMSA HMIT (Hazardous Materials Instructor Training) Grant support to the National Partnership for Environmental Technology Education (National PETE).

This training is FREE for employees and federal, state, county, and local government employees involved in DOT HazMat Shipping, Receiving and Handling via Ground, Air, and Vessel Transportation.

The workshop curriculum is in accordance with 49 CFR § 172.704 for General Awareness, Function-Specific, Safety, and Security Awareness training requirements.

Class size is limited to 10-15 students with mask/social distancing protocols, so act fast. Minimum of 6 attendees is needed to confirm the class.

Registration: Contact Mr. Raymond Davis, CHMM, IHMM Fellow, NPETE US DOT PHMSA HMIT Grant Project Coordinator/Instructor at [email protected]

Please provide Mr. Davis with the following registration information via email to [email protected]

Your name, Your company, Your company address/city/state/zip, Phone number, and Email

Upon receipt of your registration information, the address of the training location will be provided.

Retiring? IHMM Invites You to Become an Emeritus

You may have decided, after a long and successful career, to retire from active daily duty. Congratulations. That doesn’t mean you have to completely disengage from your profession. IHMM is pleased to offer Emeritus status to all certificants who will no longer be actively engaged in their communities of practice but who still want to stay in touch. Please let us know when you’re approaching that decision and we will assist you in the credential transition.

Please contact Margaret Toscano at [email protected] and she’ll be happy to help you.

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Get Ready for Safe + Sound Week!

Mark your calendars! Safe + Sound Week will take place from August 15-21, 2022. Safe + Sound Week is a nationwide event held each August that recognizes the successes of workplace health and safety programs and offers information and ideas on how to keep America’s workers safe. Registration for Safe + Sound Week opens in early July.  The Save the Date is available to download in both English and Spanish. We look forward to your participation!

Lead With Safety

Management Leadership means an organization’s management provides the leadership, vision, and resources needed to eliminate hazards, protect workers, and continuously improve workplace safety and health. Managers, we encourage you to take the Management Leadership challenge and Lead With Safety!

  1. Identify a pressing safety issue in your workplace.
  2. Take one or more steps to address the issue in your workplace.

Download your challenge coin and share how you #LeadWithSafety on social media.

Show Your Support

Visibly demonstrate and communicate your safety and health commitment to workers and others.  Download the  Management Leadership Partner Graphic , add your organization’s logo, and share it on your organization’s social media account on Tuesday, March 29.

Collaborate With Safe + Sound on the Partner Seminar Series

The Partner Seminar Series provides the opportunity for Safe + Sound partners to come together to share knowledge and best practices for safety and health.

We will be focusing on finding and fixing hazards from April to June. Do you have an idea for a topic for the next partner seminar series? Email [email protected].

Check out these past webinars for inspiration!

Download the Recommended Practices for Safety and Health Programs

The Recommended Practices for Safety and Health Programs (in Spanish) is available for download! The Recommended Practices, which are designed to be used in a wide variety of small and medium-sized business settings, present a step-by-step approach to implementing a safety and health program.


Beltway Buzz – Ogletree & Deakins

Report on EEO-1 Data Confirms Flaws Yet Recommends Expansion. On July 28, 2022, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) released a report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine titled Evaluation of Compensation Data Collected Through the EEO-1 Form. The 277-page report provides an analysis of the quality of EEO-1 Component 2 wage and hours-worked data that the EEOC collected for reporting years 2017 and 2018 while providing recommendations for potential data collections going forward. The report “concludes that the data as collected have value, but it recommends the value be strengthened by both short-term and longer-term improvements in respondent coverage, data collection protocols, measurement implementation, and conceptual coverage.”

According to EEOC Chair Charlotte Burrows, the report “confirms that federal pay data collection could be a unique and critically important resource for helping the Commission better identify and combat pay discrimination.” Yet the report confirms many of the flaws that the employer community warned about in 2016, including but not limited to the following:

  • “The 10 job categories used in the 2017–2018 Component 2 data collection are outdated and encompass a wide range of job responsibilities and pay rates.”
  • “Component 2 data collection does not include measures of legitimate causes of pay differences, such as educational attainment and tenure.”
  • “The Component 2 instrument does not provide a way to separate full-time, part-time, and part-year employees when comparing annual wages, which affects the calculation of hourly rates.”
  • “Without extensive cleaning, 2017–2018 Component 2 hours-worked data are unsuitable for calculating hourly wages.”
  • “The 2017–2018 Component 2 data are unsuitable for direct determinations of bias or reasonable cause for enforcement purposes”

Despite identifying these defects, the report makes several recommendations that would effectively have the EEOC double down on its wage data collection efforts by expanding Component 2 collection and analysis:

  • “If EEOC continues to collect pay data in bands, narrower pay bands should be adopted, and the number of bands should be expanded for top earners to better capture variation in pay.”
  • “EEOC’s current approach for aggregate pay and hours-worked data severely limits the utility of the data collected, unnecessarily increases employer burden, and complicates the collection of additional key information. Collecting data from employers at the level of individual workers may be less burdensome than the current approach and would markedly increase the utility of pay data.” (Italics added.)
  • “EEOC should develop, test, and (if found acceptable) implement modifications to the Component 2 instrument to collect individual-level employee pay data, which reflects employers’ current reporting practice to state and federal agencies.”
  • “EEOC should explore the measurement of pay gaps for additional groups protected under its authority or policy equities, including persons age 40 and older, persons with disabilities, and veterans.” (Italics added.)
  • “EEOC should work with employer groups and federal data collection agencies to explore ways to collect individual-level data, such as education, job experience, and tenure, which will support detailed pay-disparity analyses and employer self-assessments.”

Importantly, the report recommends that the EEOC “conduct a field test to investigate issues of burden, data availability, and questionnaire design,” should the agency embark on a wage-reporting scheme in the future. The current EEO-1 form, which does not contain Component 2 reporting requirements, is set to expire on June 30, 2023.

Biden Nominates Acting Wage and Hour Head for Permanent Position. On July 27, 2022, President Biden nominated Jessica Looman to be administrator of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD). Looman has served in the same position in an acting capacity since June 2021. Buzz readers may recall that President Biden’s first choice for the position, David Weil, had his nomination voted down by the U.S. Senate on March 30, 2022. Theoretically, Looman has the votes to be confirmed—something that the administration likely hopes will happen sooner rather than later, in the event that Republicans flip the Senate in 2023. Looman’s nomination is not expected to change the current trajectory of the WHD’s rulemaking agenda, which includes potential changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) independent contractor test and changes to the overtime regulations.

NLRB Partners With DOJ. One week after announcing a new memorandum of understanding with the Federal Trade Commission, on July 26, 2022 the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) announced that it had signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU), with the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Antitrust Division. According to the NLRB’s announcement of the agreement,

[t]he Agencies’ collaboration will focus on protecting workers who have been harmed or may be at risk of being harmed as a result of conduct designed to evade legal obligation and accountability (such as misclassifying employees or fissuring workplaces); interference with the rights of workers to obtain fair market compensation and collectively bargain (through labor market concentration/labor monopsony or other anticompetitive practices); and the imposition of restrictive agreements or workplace rules, such as noncompete, nonsolicitation, and nondisclosure provisions.

Of course, the Buzz will be watching to see how the MOU plays out in the real world.

House Panel Advances OSHA Heat Standard Bill. On July 27, 2022, the U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor voted to advance the Asunción Valdivia Heat Illness and Fatality Prevention Act of 2022 (H.R. 2193). The bill would require the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to finalize an interim heat stress standard within one year of enactment, despite the fact that Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health Doug Parker recently told the U.S. Congress that it would be “challenging” for the agency to develop a heat standard by 2024. The bill would also extend the statute of limitations for OSHA to issue a citation for a violation of the new standard from six months to four years. Finally, the bill would create a private right of action for heat-related whistleblower complaints and require the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission to “grant substantial deference to any reasonable interpretation by the Secretary of [the] Act or any standard, regulation, or order pursuant to [the] Act.”

Bipartisan Group Introduces “Gig” Worker Bill. Late last week, Representatives Henry Cuellar (D-TX), Elise Stefanik (R-NY), and Michelle Steel (R-CA) introduced the Worker Flexibility and Choice Act (H.R. 8442). The bill is an attempt to address the “independent contractor or employee” debate by allowing workers to choose a third option that would provide them with both workplace flexibility as well as certain workplace protections. Pursuant to the legislation, a worker who entered into a “worker flexibility agreement” would enjoy certain workplace protections (such as leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act and protection from workplace harassment and discrimination in accordance with applicable laws) while retaining the ability to accept or reject offers for work opportunities from multiple entities.

The House last Wednesday passed a package that contains six Fiscal Year 2023 spending bills for various government agencies, but with Senate appropriations largely stalled, it’s likely a continuing resolution will be needed to fund the government past Sept. 30.The House voted 220-207 to pass the package that includes funding for the departments of House and Urban Development (HUD), Transportation, Agriculture, Energy and Veterans Affairs and the Food and Drug Administration.House Appropriations Committee Chair Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) said the spending package is aimed at “lowering the cost of living, creating American jobs, lifting up working families and supporting small businesses.”The House still has six remaining spending bills it hopes to clear before the end of the month. The appropriations process is still bogged down in the Senate, where lawmakers have yet to roll out any text for any of their dozen annual spending bills. Top Senate negotiators have been deadlocked on top spending levels for defense and domestic spending bills for months, raising the likelihood of another continuing resolution.



The graphic to the left illustrates the relationship between IHMM and HMS. IHMM formed HMS to serve IHMM’s certificants. IHMM offers a variety of professional credentials and HMS creates education and training programs to serve the applicants and certificants of those credentials.

HMS Board Call for Nominations

The Hazardous Materials Society [HMS] is IHMM’s foundation. The purpose of HMS is to provide services to IHMM certificants. See > https://hazmatsociety.org/  and  https://hazmatsociety.org/about-hms/

HMS is soliciting candidates for 3 [three] Board of Directors positions, each of which will serve a three [3] year term, commencing January 1, 2023.

Linked HERE  is the HMS Board Nomination form, to be completed and returned to Kendra Schroer, HMS Nominating Committee Chair, at [email protected]

HMS Makes Finding Courses to Earn CMPs Easy

Every year more than 1,600 IHMM certificants have to recertify their credentials, evidenced their continuing commitment to improvement and learning to elevate their professional credential.

Earning Certification Maintenance Points [CMPs] is illustrated under Recertification of Your Credential, that includes the Recertification Claims Manual – Appendix A, that details all of the ways a certificant may earn CMPs > https://ihmm.org/recertification-claims/

Having mastered that manual, how does an IHMM certificant find courses to earn CMPs?

HMS has made that simple and easy.

  1. Go to https://hazmatsociety.org/education-training/
  2. Scroll down until you see a row of buttons…click on the CMPs button

The system will then generate all of the courses on the HMS E&T platform with IHMM CMPs already attached.

The next developments by the HMS E&T committee will refine available courses’ CMPs by individual credential!

HMS Certified Dangerous Goods Professional [CDGP] Exam Prep

The Columbia Southern University/HMS CDGP prep course is found here on the Hazardous Materials Society [HMS] education and training website > https://hazmatsociety.org/training/ce-1112-cdgp-exam-prep/2022-02-02/

The CSU CDGP exam prep course is delivered entirely online and may be initiated by any CDGP applicant at any time. The CDGP applicant has up to 10 weeks to complete the prep course, though an extension of the 10 weeks may be requested from CSU directly. The CSU CDGP exam prep course contains 8 modules covering the 4 principle texts involved in the CDGP exam, as follows:

  • UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, and
  • International Civil Aviation Organization’s Technical Instructions (ICAO TI), and
  • International Air Transport Association’s Dangerous Goods Regulations (IATA DGR), and the
  • International Maritime Organization’s Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code).

More information on the IHMM Certified Dangerous Goods Professional [CDGP] credential may be found here > https://ihmm.org/cdgp/

Applications for the 2022 HMS Scholarship Awards Now Open

The HMS scholarship award is given annually to undergraduate and graduate students whose academic program and research studies have the potential to address the most serious issues in handling hazardous materials, dangerous goods, environmental issues, health & safety challenges. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents enrolled in accredited U.S. academic institutions.

DEADLINE TO SUBMIT SCHOLARSHIP AWARD APPLICATIONS IS December 1, 2022. All submissions and associated materials must be submitted using the online form.

Scholarship Winners Will Be Announced at the HMS Annual Meeting.

For More Information, Visit > https://hazmatsociety.org/scholarship/

Donate to HMS

One of the most important projects of the Hazardous Materials Society is our Scholarship Program.

HMS wants to make it as easy as possible for those who cannot always afford to participate in pursuing certification, or keeping up with professional development, or attending great conferences and receiving outstanding training. HMS does not solicit contributions from the general public. HMS does ask IHMM’s certificants and their companies and our education and training vendors to consider a contribution.

Here, through your generosity, you can make a difference in promoting the ability of those who can afford it least to become participants in our communities of practice.

It’s never too late to make a difference, so don’t let this opportunity to make a difference pass you by. Please consider a tax-deductible donation of $250, $500 or what you can to help build HMS’s effort to help others in our communities of practice.

RCM&D Professional Liability Insurance

HMS is proud to have partnered with RCM&D to be able to offer an outstanding comprehensive professional liability insurance program to IHMM certificants. Here, you will find information about this important program offering Environmental Consultants and Engineers Professional Liability coverage. This coverage is intended to add protection for loss stemming from actual or alleged negligent acts, errors and omissions in performing professional services.

For more information see > https://hazmatsociety.org/professional-liability-insurance/

Member Benefits of Hazardous Materials Society

99% of IHMM certificants are aware of the Hazardous Materials Society, which we appreciate. IHMM established the Hazardous Materials Society in order to support and provide services to IHMM certificants.

Did You Know?

Your company’s membership dues for Associate Membership in the Hazardous Materials Society (HMS) are 100% tax-deductible and your participation directly supports scholarship and education/training opportunities for professionals working in hazmat and EHS. Joining as an Associate Member expresses your commitment and your company’s leadership in giving back to our professional community. Join today to claim your tax deduction for the 2020 tax year while expressing your company’s professional affiliation and accessing tools for your marketing and business development plans.

To learn more about what HMS is doing now and what they are planning for the future, please see the new Member Benefits page here.

IHMM/HMS Coronavirus Resources

In February of 2020, the World Health Organization’s director-general has declared a public health emergency of international concern over the ongoing outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus. On March 13, 2020 President Trump declared a national emergency for the United States. IHMM and HMS’ first concern is with the safety and health of all of us; our staff and families, colleagues, certificants and members. We will update this page regularly as credible, authoritative information is available.


Vaccine Data Dashboard. We have a specific dashboard dedicated to state vaccination plans, updated daily. For each state, you’ll find:

  • Current distribution phase,
  • A brief overview of a state plan,
  • Current and future eligible populations, and
  • Links to state documentation.

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A Collaborative Culture

There are 751 different conversations going on in the IHMM/HMS Collaboration platform this week.

A collaborative culture is important for every business but is especially important for our hazardous materials, dangerous goods, environment, health, and safety communities of practice. Do you have a problem you need to solve and want the opinions of your colleagues? This is where we come together to help each other.

IHMM credentialed professionals are at the top 1% of their professions and their reach is global. We are at the forefront of environmental protection, health, and safety and this is where collaborating with the best people in their fields, always willing to help one another, lessens the stress of our jobs, and where we strive as a team to make a difference of which we are proud.

We opened COLLABORATION to enable thousands of certificants and supporters to collaborate together. You can collaborate here.

Access to COLLABORATION is through the same username/password you use to access your MYIHMM account. Having a problem? Contact Jimmy Nguyen at [email protected]

Columbia Southern University

The Hazardous Materials Society [HMS] is a partner of Columbia Southern University. Columbia Southern University is an online university based in Orange Beach, Alabama, that strives to change and improve lives through higher education by enabling students to maximize their professional and personal potential.

A subsidiary of Columbia Southern Education Group, CSU offers online degree programs at the associate, bachelor, master, doctorate or certificate levels in a multitude of areas such as occupational safety and health, fire administration, criminal justice, business administration, human resource management, health care administration and more. CSU also features undergraduate and graduate certificate programs to provide focused training in specialized areas for adult learners.

Click on the CSU graphic at left and learn more about the professional development and degree program opportunities at CSU.


IHMM will attend and support a number of conferences and trade shows throughout 2022, virtually as well as in-person as COVID issues allow. Below are some of the conferences IHMM will support in 2022.

Are there conferences you believe IHMM should attend that do not appear here? If so, let us know by sending an email to [email protected]

National Safety Council Congress & Expo

September 19-21, 2022
San Diego, CA

2022 FET Environmental Conference

October 25-27, 2022
Pewaukee, WI


IHMM has a companion organization for which education and training programs are presented and delivered.  The Hazardous Materials Society is IHMM’s Professional Association and HMS’ education and training website can be found here. These events are produced independently of IHMM, and their providers have no access to IHMM certification examinations or program information other than that which is publicly available.

DateEventEvent ProducerLocation
DailyCE 1112- IHMM CDGP Exam Prep (online) Columbia Southern University


DailyCE 1102- Industrial Hygiene for Safety Professionals (online) Columbia Southern University


DailyCE 1105: Maritime Hazardous Materials Inventory Columbia Southern University


DailyCE 1106: Coronavirus Facts: Understanding the CoronavirusColumbia Southern University


DailyCE 1107: Coronavirus Prevention & Control: Strategies for EmployeesColumbia Southern University


DailyCE 1108: Coronavirus Prevention: Strategies for ManagersColumbia Southern University


DailyCE 1109: Coronavirus Prevention & Control: Train the TrainerColumbia Southern University


DailyDOT NON-Bulk Training Compliance Associates


DailyWebinar IATA Dangerous Goods Training Compliance Associates


DailyWebinar DOT Bulk Tank Truck Training Compliance Associates


DailyOnsite DOT Bulk Tank Truck Training Compliance Associates


DailyOnline DOT Bulk Railcar TrainingCompliance Associates


DailyOSHA 30 Construction (Online) ClickSafety


DailyHAZWOPER 2021 Refresher (Online) ClickSafety


DailyHAZWOPER 40-Hour All Industries (Online) ClickSafety


DailyHAZWOPER 24-Hour All Industries (Online) ClickSafety


DailyHazmat General, Safety and Security Awareness Online Training Course Chemtrec


DailyIATA Dangerous Goods Online Training for Operations Chemtrec


Daily8-Hour HAZWOPER Refresher Course Hazmat School


DailyDOT Hazmat Employee with Packaging Course Hazmat School


DailyRCRA Hazardous Waste Generator Online Training Course Hazmat School


DailyOSHA Asbestos Awareness TrainingHazmat School


Daily49 CFR TrainingChemtrec


DailyIATA Dangerous Goods Online Training for Operations PersonnelChemtrec


DailyCHMM Online Review Bowen


DailyOnsite Lithium Battery TrainingCompliance Associates


DailyOnsite ADR TrainingCompliance Associates


DailyWebinar ADR TrainingCompliance Associates


DailyWebinar TDG TrainingCompliance Associates


DailyOSHA Confined Space Operations TrainingHazmat School




DailyIATA/IMDG Certification TrainingDGI


DailyDangerous Goods Shipping Private WebinarDGI


DailyCSHM Exam Prep CourseVubiz


DailyGround Transportation for CarriersChemtrec


DailyOSHA Hazard Communications StandardChemtrec


DailyDefensive Driver Training CourseHazmat School


DailyOnline 2-Hour OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen TrainingHazmat School


DailyOnline Heat Illness Prevention TrainingHazmat School


DailyOnline OSHA 24-Hour HAZWOPER Training CourseHazmat School


DailyEmergency Response Planning – On-Demand WebinarBowen EHS


DailyEHS Training Self-Paced PDCBowen EHS


DailyDangerous Goods Regulations [DGR] Initial Category 6IATA


August 1 – September 26, 2022CHMM Online Review – Exam Prep CourseBowen EHS


COCHMM           Columbus, OH
Sept 14-15, 2022


PTP Consulting           ONLINE
October 18-21, 2022Online CHMM Review CourseASHMM           ONLINE


9210 Corporate Boulevard, Suite 470
Rockville, Maryland, 20850
www.ihmm.org | [email protected]
Phone: 301-984-8969 | Fax: 301-984-1516


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