Thursday, December 1, 2022
EHS Professional is an online publication of the Institute of Hazardous Materials Management (IHMM)
are compiled from independent sources and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of IHMM.
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IHMM Certifications Matter
Validate your knowledge and experience. It’s how professionals stay on top of their field.
Unlike degrees and many certificates that represent the completion of a course or program of study, certifications are time-limited, renewable, and revocable verification of a certification holder’s ability to perform a set of competencies.
It’s how you differentiate yourself.
Follow IHMM
IHMM Credential Recognition
Below you will see the 4 EHS credential badges that are now in each CSHM, CSMP, ASHM, and Student ASHM certificant’s MYIHMM account. Every IHMM certificant may use these badges, linked as those below are to their IHMM credential page, for their email signatures, business cards, and other social media applications. You’re justifiably proud of the accomplishment of having earned your credential and you can show the rest of the world. Simply right-click on the badge of choice, then save as to your computer, and then load it to wherever you want to use it and please link that back to https://ihmm.org/.

IHMM Certificant Recognition
IHMM has completed inserting new credential badges in every certificant’s MYIHMM account. Everyone may access those badges for use in their email signatures, LinkedIn accounts, and other social media and communications media. With a link from your credential badge to the IHMM website [see above] you can not only stand out as an IHMM-certified professional, you can also promote IHMM credentials to others. Right-click on the badge of choice, save as to your computer, then load it to whatever medium you choose.
Throughout our certificant’s MYIHMM accounts are also now placed 10 Year, 20 Year, and 30 Year badges signifying their longevity as an IHMM certified professional.

IHMM has also added Distinguished Diplomates and Fellows of the Institute badges to the appropriate people in the MYIHMM database. These two badges will be accompanied by new lapel pins to be sent to each of those distinguished by holding these designations.

IHMM In-Person or Remotely Proctored Exams
The American National Standards Institute [ANSI] has approved Kryterion Remotely Proctored Exams for IHMM’s CHMM, CHMP, CDGP, CSHM and CSMP exams.
76% of Kryterion in-person testing centers have reopened. If you prefer the comfort and convenience of taking your exam from your home or office instead of at a Kryterion center, IHMM is ready to enroll you in a remotely proctored examination.
Please contact either Kortney Tunstall at [email protected] for the CHMM, CHMP, or CDGP exams or Kaylene Cagle at [email protected] for the CSHM or CSMP exams.

IHMM Credentials Accredited By

Need Help?
Need Help? On the IHMM website just click on the “NEED HELP?” button
and let us know what you need and the right person will get right back with you.

US Department of Labor Inspection Finds Employees at TJ Maxx Store in Pooler Exposed to Fire, Entrapment, Struck-by Hazards
Following a workplace safety inspection, federal investigators determined a Pooler location of a national discount retailer stacked and stored merchandise unsafely, exposing workers to struck-by hazards from falling boxes and preventing them from exiting the store quickly in an emergency.
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued citations to TJX Companies Inc., the Massachusetts-based operator of T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, HomeGoods and other department stores, for exposing workers to fire, entrapment and struck-by hazards. Inspectors found blocked exit routes and unstable merchandise storage at a T.J. Maxx Store in Pooler, in violation of federal workplace safety standards.
OSHA also found the company failed to keep the storage and receiving room free from an excess number of cardboard boxes and other trash, which exposed workers to slip, trip and fall hazards.
The inspection identified two repeat violations and one serious violation. OSHA proposed $239,290 in penalties.
Read more > https://www.dol.gov/newsroom/releases/osha/osha20221129

OSHA’s Top 10 Most Frequently Cited Standards for 2022
Fall Protection – General Requirements (1926.501) maintained its position as OSHA’s most frequently cited worker safety and health standard in fiscal year 2022, marking its 12th straight year atop the agency’s “Top 10” list.
Here, Safety+Health presents the Top 10 data for FY 2022 (which concluded Sept. 30), the “penalty box” of the year’s largest fines, an exclusive interview with Patrick Kapust, deputy director of OSHA’s Directorate of Enforcement Programs, and a listing of Safety+Health advertisers offering products and services to help you avoid OSHA’s Top 10 most cited violations.
Read more > https://www.safetyandhealthmagazine.com/articles/23234-oshas-top-10-fy2022

Roofing Contractor Continues to Expose Workers to Potentially Deadly Fall Hazards, US Department of Labor Inspections in Appleton Area Find
An Appleton, Wisconsin, contractor with a long history of exposing employees to dangerous fall hazards now faces $349,371 in additional penalties after U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration inspectors observed roofing workers at heights greater than 6 feet at risk of serious or fatal injuries at two Appleton-area jobsites in May and June 2022.
OSHA has cited Hector Able Hernandez – the operator of Town City Construction – repeatedly for exposing employees to fall hazards and proposed $633,500 in OSHA penalties – still mostly unpaid – for similar violations found during 16 inspections since 2004.
On May 16, 2022, in Greenville and on June 24, 2022, in Appleton, federal inspectors found Hernandez had employed 15 workers at the two sites for two weeks or less.
Following these inspections, OSHA cited Hernandez for three willful and two serious safety violations for failing to provide eye, head and fall protection and train workers on fall hazards.
Read more > https://www.dol.gov/newsroom/releases/osha/osha20221129-0

Thankful for Safety Leaders
A heartful thanks to the safety leaders who were named earlier this year as part of the NSC Distinguished Service to Safety Award.
As many of us are voicing our thanks to the people in our lives, this includes our colleagues. So in that spirit, we want to show appreciation for some distinguished safety leaders. Earlier this year The National Safety Council recognized outstanding service by safety professionals through its NSC Distinguished Service to Safety Award. To receive this award, candidates must have had a sustained impact on the safety movement at the local, national or international level that resulted in increased injury prevention. Contributions to research are also recognized.
View the list of 2022 winners by clicking here.

EHS Today Presents “Safety Week of Learning” from December 13-15, 2022
The SafetyWeek of Learning is an immersive and engaging three-day webinar series for safety leaders to advance their mission, keeping their workplaces safe and protecting their workers from harm. The event features highlighted keynote and track sessions from the Safety Leadership Conference, selected by the EHS Today editorial team.
Why Attend:
- Discover how to implement transformational safety leadership within your own company
- Acquire OSHA guidance
- Case studies on implementing best safety practices in your workplace
- Learn how to integrate safety compliance into the culture of your business
- Improve your knowledge of latest safety technology
Register at > https://endeavor.swoogo.com/ehs_safety-week-of-learning-2022/?sti=NL

Paraeducators File Safety Complaint Over Hazardous Working Conditions
Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) paraeducators, the people who work with the county’s most physically and developmentally disabled students, have filed a complaint with Cal/OSHA over what they say is dangerous understaffing that puts workers and students at risk for injuries, abuse and violence.
On Nov. 15, SEIU Local 521, representing these workers, rallied in San Jose to draw attention to the paraeducators’ plight. The rally drew over 100 workers and parents, as well as local leaders San Jose City Council Member Omar Torres and SCCOE board members Reena Lari and Tara Sreekrishnan.
The paraeducators allege that the county “failed to establish, implement and maintain” an effective workplace violence prevention program…in the workplace.” [cal osha letter 11-22]They say staffing has fallen to dangerous levels and the consequences are horrific for staff and students alike.
Read more > https://www.svvoice.com/paraeducators-file-safety-complaint-over-hazardous-working-conditions/

OSHA Looks for Member Nominations for Advisory Committee
The deadline for nominations for the Maritime Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health is January 13, 2023.
OSHA is now looking for member nominations for the Maritime Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health (MACOSH)
According to a news release, MACOSH is for those interested in keeping workers safe in the “shipyard, longshoring and commercial fishing industries.” Fifteen members will be selected to serve two-year terms. Meetings are held twice per year.
Started in 1995, MACOSH plays a role in the maritime industry by advising the Secretary of Labor on standards and other matters, OSHA said. Members are appointed by the Assistant Secretary and include “four to represent management, four to represent labor, three to represent occupational safety and health professions; and four to represent government.”
Nominations can be submitted until January 13, 2023, on the Federal eRulemaking Portal.
Read the original article > https://ohsonline.com/articles/2022/11/29/osha-looks-for-member-nominations.aspx

Monkeypox virus: New fact sheet from OSHA
In an effort to prevent work-related transmission of the monkeypox virus, OSHA is urging employers and workers whose jobs may involve skin-to-skin contact with infected people or animals to take precautions.
According to a new fact sheet from OSHA, at-risk workers include health care workers and first responders; workers in congregate settings such as hotels, correctional facilities, and recreational facilities or social venues; massage, spa, fitness and salon workers; housekeepers, janitors, cleaning service workers, dry cleaning and laundry workers; and animal care workers, including veterinary staff.
Citing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the fact sheet notes that although the risk of exposure is “extremely low” in most work settings, monkeypox “can spread through direct contact with an infected person or animal – including close contact with a monkeypox rash, scabs or body fluids, including respiratory droplets – and contaminated materials such as clothing, bedding and towels.”
Symptoms can include a painful or itchy rash, headaches, fatigue, back and body aches, fever, chills, and swollen lymph nodes. On rare occasions, respiratory issues such as a cough, sore throat or nasal congestion are possible.
Read more > https://www.safetyandhealthmagazine.com/articles/23313-monkeypox-virus-new-fact-sheet-from-osha

Back to Basics: Respiratory Protection
Back to Basics is a weekly feature that highlights important but possibly overlooked information that any EHS professional should know. This week, we examine OSHA’s requirements for respiratory protection.
Respiratory protection is important in many different industries, and it has played an even greater role in the workforce since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to OSHA, respirators protect against insufficient oxygen environments, harmful dusts, fogs, smokes, mists, gases, vapors, and sprays, which are hazards that could cause cancer, lung impairment, diseases, or death. Millions of employees are required to wear respirators, and compliance with OSHA’s respiratory protection standard can help avoid thousands of illnesses and hundreds of deaths every year.
Read more > https://ehsdailyadvisor.blr.com/2022/11/back-to-basics-respiratory-protection/

IHMM Certified School Safety Manager® [CSSM®] Credential
Mike Howe, CSSM, Chair of the CSSM-CSSS Committee, is pleased to announce that the committee now releases its credential blueprint. When IHMM took over the CSSM credential in 2019 it had no blueprint or examination. Thanks to the outstanding leadership of Mike Howe leading his committee not only do we have a credential blueprint, we are almost ready to begin finalizing the CSSM examination as well.
Identifying all of the threats and vulnerabilities likely to impact a K-12 school district or post-secondary schools is a critical part of the emergency operations planning process for all schools. One only has to look at the day’s news to understand the importance of having professional, certified school safety managers in place guiding the planning and execution of sound safety programs. Colonel Chris Owens, a CSSM committee member, is already at work with the Georgia Sheriffs’ Association and the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency on how what IHMM is creating can be incorporated into the operations of Georgia schools.
This IHMM committee is making the CSSM credential real, and is starting to engage their communities with efforts to make schools safer using professionally certified school safety managers. Look for the new CSSM examination before the end of 2022.
The new CSSM credential blueprint is found here.

IHMM Certified Pandemic Preparedness Specialist® [CPPS®] Credential
Dan Blankfeld, CSHM, CSMP, Chair of the Microcredential Task Force, is pleased to announce the release of the IHMM Certified Pandemic Preparedness Specialist [CPPS] credential blueprint. The Task Force received more than 200 suggestions for microcredentials that could be used in conjunction with existing IHMM credentials to add depth to specific knowledge and experience areas. Microcredentials are short, focused credentials designed to provide in-demand skills, know-how and experience.
A Certified Pandemic Preparedness Specialist® (CPPS®) Microcredential holder is first a CHMM or CSHM credentialed professional who has demonstrated, through education, experience, and examination, the ability to identify and assess the risks associated with pathogens and their effect on public health, commerce, industry, and/or government operation. The focus of the CPPS microcredential is to: assess and provide guidance concerning the preparedness levels of different entities, and develop and implement risk-reduction strategies.
The Task Force is making progress on the construction of the CPPS examination at this writing. We look forward to the completion of the examination and launch of the credential to the IHMM community and then begin working with federal officials from the CDC, NIH, and White House Pandemic Innovation Task Force on being better prepared for the next pandemic. Read the March, 2022 release from the White House here.
The new CPPS credential blueprint is found here.

In 2019 Mark Bruce from AHMP and Gene Guilford from IHMM worked on a project to get the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to recognize the CHMM and CDGT credentials. With Mark’s work on the ground in Pennsylvania, we succeeded. The 45 in 5 Project is for ALL IHMM credentials. This summer we have worked on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers health and safety manual that recognizes the CSHM and CSMP credentials. We are working with a CSHM in New York on their Department of Labor recognizing the CSHM.
- We have already succeeded in 13 states – New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Indiana, California, Colorado, Nebraska, Minnesota, Arkansas, Oklahoma. Ohio, North Dakota, and Georgia. [Red states in the map above]. These are states where IHMM credentials are cited or 40 CFR 312.10 is cited by reference.
- We have partially succeeded in another 16 states – Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Arizona, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Florida, Delaware, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, and Maine. [Orange/Black Stripe states in the map above] These are states where the requirements of an “environmental professional” or QEP are cited that coincide with an IHMM credential so that relatively little work would need to be done to clarify the desired outcome.
- We have 21 states where no reference to an IHMM credential is made in either statute or regulation, nor is there anything defined in the area of an environmental professional. These states will require legislation or regulatory work. [Yellow states in the map above].
In January 2021 Mark at AHMP and Gene at IHMM has launched 45 in 5, getting the other 45 states to recognize our credentials in 5 years. If we can find a volunteer like Mark in other states [see above] we can work with those volunteers on crafting the right message to the right agencies in state governments across the country. If we find enough volunteers we can get this done in less than 5 years.
In January 2022 Gene Guilford released the 40 CFR § 312.10 EPA regulation that states a private certification that meets or exceeds the requirements of the regulation is an Environmental Professional under the regulation. Here is the crosswalk between the 40 CFR § 312.10 EPA regulation and the Certified Hazardous Materials Manager [CHMM] blueprint. The CHMM meets or exceeds the requirements of an Environmental Professional.
Here’s what we ask each volunteer to do:
- Watch legislative and regulatory developments in your state that provide an opportunity for us to create amendments or other interventions
- Be willing to speak with regulators and legislators in your area about the recognition efforts we craft together
Learn more about the AHMP-IHMM 45 in 5 Project here

OSHA’s FY 2023 Outreach Initiatives
As part of our efforts to keep you informed of OSHA’s activities, we have attached a document that summarizes OSHA’s outreach initiatives for FY 2023. It includes a summary of key national initiatives, a listing of priority industries/topics, and a calendar of key dates. Please note: As we receive new/updated information about events, we will share it with you.
We hope this document will be a helpful tool as we continue to work together to support OSHA’s outreach initiatives.
See > https://ihmm.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/OSHA-FY2023-Outreach-Initiatives.pdf

IHMM CSHMⓇ 2022 Salary Survey
IHMM is pleased to release its 2022 salary survey for Certified Safety and Health Managers Ⓡ [CSHMⓇ] across a broad range of position titles in the CSHMⓇ community of practice.

IHMM – 26 Fellows Are Mentors
IHMM Fellows Committee Chair Atanu Das, CHMM, is leading the effort within the IHMM Collaboration networking platform to provide instruction to the more than 75 IHMM Fellows in becoming mentors.
Given the extraordinary experience Fellows have, this is a unique opportunity for IHMM Fellows to help guide more recent certificants in their professional development activities.
IHMM’s Collaboration platform contains a “Mentor Match” module [see below at right] that allows mentors to signup designating the hours, number of mentees, subject areas, and length of time they wish to mentor – as well as allowing mentees to signup requesting assistance in specified areas. The mentor match module does the rest by matching mentors and mentees.

Recert Video #1
Recert Video #2
IHMM Recertification Videos
IHMM is pleased to release two YouTube instructional videos about navigating the IHMM recertification process. These step-by-step videos easily enable IHMM certificants to start and complete a recertification application.
While the full recertification cycle is 5 years, IHMM encourages all certificants to start a recertification application and add certification maintenance points as they are earned to make the final submission quick and easy to accomplish.
- Every CSHM and CSMP should start a recertification application now.
- Even if your recertification is years away, starting an application now and adding your accumulated points enables you to see where you are all the time and it makes it very easy when you have to file your application
IHMM Scholarship Program
The Institute of Hazardous Materials Management is pleased to have created $32,000 in academic scholarships, divided equally between $16,000 for students enrolled in undergraduate or graduate education in approved schools and who are also Student CHMMs, and $16,000 for students enrolled in undergraduate or graduate education in approved schools and who are also Student ASHMs.
IHMM seeks to foster the growth and academic success of students whose courses of education, and participation in one of our Student certifications, will lead to those students becoming fully-certified IHMM credential holders later in their professional lives. The first two IHMM Scholarships were awarded before Thanksgiving to Thomas Gerding, Student ASHM, and Ryan Bellacov, Student CHMM! Congratulations to Thomas and Ryan for being our first scholarship award winners.
Go to > https://ihmm.org/scholarship/

National Safety Council
IHMM is a member of the National Safety Council and is pleased to bring this important information to all of its certificants.
NSC News
Nursing organizations publish updated workplace violence guidelines, toolkit
Study shows that texting toolbox talks to supervisors helps make safety meetings happen
3D printing process emissions may compromise cell function and DNA: study
Recognizing hidden dangers: 25 steps to a safer office
11 tips for effective workplace housekeeping
First aid kit requirements
HR and the safety department
Job Safety Analysis
NSC Webinars
December 8 – The Importance of Community in Safety
December 15 – Transform Safety Management and Reduce Risk with AI
Workplace Safety and the Flu
Trends in … women’s PPE
Confined space monitoring system
3 Concerning Trends for Injured and Ill Workers
Regulatory Update: California Employers Face COVID Rules Uncertainty
The Newest Construction Technology Powering Jobsites
EEOC Requires New Worksite Poster
Concepts to Use When Addressing Workplace Safety Issues
Construction’s supply chain outlook: more shortages, price hikes ahead
Total construction starts jump 8% following 2-month decline
52% Ergonomic Injury Reduction
Did OSHA Fail to Protect Workers from COVID?
EPCC First in Region to Earn OSHA Ambassador Status for Worker Training
You Filed and OSHA Complaint. Your Employer Retaliated. Now What?
FRCE Safety Record Recognized by NC Department of Labor Safety Awards Program
A Reckoning at Amazon
Dollar Does it Again – Exposing Workers to Safety Hazards
Qatar Says Worker Deaths for World Cup “Between 400 and 500”
The Importance of Robotics for Mining Safety
Illinois Caterpillar Workers Threatening to Strike After Worker Falls in 11ft Deep Pot of Molten Iron
ASSP Helps Safety and Health Professionals Get Recognized
A Safety Professional’s Journey
The Conceptual Toolbox: 6 Ideas For Addressing Workplace Safety Issues
ASSP Webinars
February 13, 2023 – SafetyFOCUS 2023 Virtual
March 3, 2023 – ONLINE COURSE: Enterprise Risk Management for Safety Professionals

Lame-Duck Debt Ceiling Deal Unlikely
The White House has largely conceded that a bipartisan debt ceiling hike is unlikely to happen during the lame-duck session that runs through late December, setting the stage for a highly partisan confrontation with the House GOP majority next year.
Senior administration officials also say they don’t have the 50 Democratic votes in the Senate needed to raise the debt ceiling through the budget reconciliation process, thereby avoiding a Republican filibuster. Likely opposition could come from Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and possibly other centrist Democrats who believe that debt ceiling hikes should be bipartisan.
House Republicans have been emboldened to use the debt limit as leverage to secure discretionary spending cuts or entitlement reforms. A White House spokesperson said that congressional Republicans will bear the blame for using the debt limit for political gain. “The debt ceiling should never be a matter of political brinksmanship,” the spokesperson told POLITICO. “Congress must once again responsibly address the debt ceiling before its expiration.”
Administration officials expect the Treasury Department to run out of room to keep borrowing money by June. The U.S. government has never defaulted on its debts, but failure to boost the $31.4 trillion borrowing cap would potentially crash markets around the world, send interest rates far higher than they already are and push the economy into a deep recession.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Sens. Mike Braun (R-IN) and James Lankford (R-OK) all said recently it was extremely unlikely that a debt limit deal can be reached over the next few weeks.
Congress Faces Dec. 16 Funding Deadline
Democrats on the House and Senate Appropriations committees continue to put together FY 2023 spending bills but, with the current CR expiring Dec. 16, another stopgap funding measure appears likely to avoid a government shutdown.
Bipartisan negotiations on an omnibus FY 2023 spending package have been stalled for months, with House and Senate appropriators unable to agree on even a topline figure for overall spending and many lawmakers waiting to see the outcome of this fall’s midterm elections to see what leverage they may have in the next Congress.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) told reporters last week he has prepared his caucus for “heavy work” and “long hours” over the few weeks remaining until government funding expires.
The impending retirements of the Senate’s top two negotiators, Appropriations Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and ranking member Richard Shelby (R-AL), figure to complicate spending discussions as well.

The graphic to the left illustrates the relationship between IHMM and HMS. IHMM formed HMS to serve IHMM’s certificants. IHMM offers a variety of professional credentials and HMS creates education and training programs to serve the applicants and certificants of those credentials.

2022 Hazardous Materials Society Board Election – Voting Resumed
The HMS began voting for its 2022 slate of directors on November 9th and halted it when there was a problem with the ballot. Now that problem has been rectified, and the voting has resumed and all eligible voters have be notified by email. HMS is IHMM’s Foundation, providing education, training, networking, affinity programs and other support exclusively for IHMM certificants.
There are four [4] candidates presented below. Read about each of the four. Every eligible IHMM certificant may vote in the election and have received, by email, a unique voting key and link to cast their votes for up to three [3] of the four [4] candidates presented.
The election has resumed and runs through December 19th.

Abela, Simon, ASHM – Read more about Simon Abela here.

Bartku, Christopher, CHMM – Read more about Christopher Bartku here

Bennett, Stephen M., CSMP. Read more about Stephen here.
Easily Find Courses to Help You Pass IHMM Credential Exams
This week we add the Federation of Environmental Technologists [FET] EHMM course to the CHMM examination preparation schedule. FET is the CHMM chapter in Wisconsin and IHMM is proud to support them and help to promote their EHMM offering to IHMM’s CHMM applicants.
CDGP® Prep Course
CE-1112: CDGP® Exam Prep – Columbia Southern University – Available On Demand
CHMM® Prep Courses
Daily – CHMM® Online Review – Bowen
Daily – CHMM® Prep Course – Institute of Safety & Systems Management
Daily –Certified Hazardous Materials Managers (CHMM®) Exam Prep – SPAN Exam Prep, Division of ClickSafety
Nov 21-Feb 27, 2033 – Essentials of Hazardous Materials Management [EHMM] Virtual Course – FET
Nov 30-Dec 1, 2022 – CHMM® Prep Course – PTP Consulting
CSHM® Prep Courses
IHMM and HMS Tie Exam Preparation Together for Applicants
Every IHMM certification that requires an examination has a section of its website entitled Examination Preparation.
Connected to the Examination Preparation panel is a companion panel that is Find a Course to Prepare for the Exam.
You see the Find a Course to Prepare for the Exam panel from the CHMM site at left.
When you click on the Find a Course to Prepare for the Exam panel it takes the applicant directly to the HMS site where all CHMM prep courses may be found and chosen.
For the 397 CHMM applicants IHMM had on August 31, 2022, all 397 looking for CHMM prep courses could see and chose their favored CHMM exam prep course. If your course is not on the HMS platform, none of the 397 CHMM applicants could find you.
If you want your CHMM prep course on the HMS platform so it can be found by IHMM CHMM applicants, contact Gene Guilford at [email protected]

HMS Makes Finding Courses to Earn CMPs Easy
Every year more than 1,600 IHMM certificants have to recertify their credentials, evidenced their continuing commitment to improvement and learning to elevate their professional credential.
Earning Certification Maintenance Points [CMPs] is illustrated under Recertification of Your Credential, that includes the Recertification Claims Manual – Appendix A, that details all of the ways a certificant may earn CMPs > https://ihmm.org/recertification-claims/
Having mastered that manual, how does an IHMM certificant find courses to earn CMPs?
HMS has made that simple and easy.
- Go to https://hazmatsociety.org/education-training/
- Scroll down until you see a row of buttons…click on the CMPs button
The system will then generate all of the courses on the HMS E&T platform with IHMM CMPs already attached.
The next developments by the HMS E&T committee will refine available courses’ CMPs by individual credential!
RCM&D Professional Liability Insurance
HMS is proud to have partnered with RCM&D to be able to offer an outstanding comprehensive professional liability insurance program to IHMM certificants. Here, you will find information about this important program offering Environmental Consultants and Engineers Professional Liability coverage. This coverage is intended to add protection for loss stemming from actual or alleged negligent acts, errors and omissions in performing professional services.
For more information see > https://hazmatsociety.org/professional-liability-insurance/

Member Benefits of Hazardous Materials Society
99% of IHMM certificants are aware of the Hazardous Materials Society, which we appreciate. IHMM established the Hazardous Materials Society in order to support and provide services to IHMM certificants.
Did You Know?
Your company’s membership dues for Associate Membership in the Hazardous Materials Society (HMS) are 100% tax-deductible and your participation directly supports scholarship and education/training opportunities for professionals working in hazmat and EHS. Joining as an Associate Member expresses your commitment and your company’s leadership in giving back to our professional community. Join today to claim your tax deduction for the 2020 tax year while expressing your company’s professional affiliation and accessing tools for your marketing and business development plans.
To learn more about what HMS is doing now and what they are planning for the future, please see the new Member Benefits page here.

Donate to HMS
One of the most important projects of the Hazardous Materials Society is our Scholarship Program.
HMS wants to make it as easy as possible for those who cannot always afford to participate in pursuing certification, or keeping up with professional development, or attending great conferences and receiving outstanding training. HMS does not solicit contributions from the general public. HMS does ask IHMM’s certificants and their companies and our education and training vendors to consider a contribution.
Here, through your generosity, you can make a difference in promoting the ability of those who can afford it least to become participants in our communities of practice.
It’s never too late to make a difference, so don’t let this opportunity to make a difference pass you by. Please consider a tax-deductible donation of $250, $500 or what you can to help build HMS’s effort to help others in our communities of practice.

There are 820 different conversations going on in the IHMM/HMS Collaboration platform this week.
A collaborative culture is important for every business but is especially important for our hazardous materials, dangerous goods, environment, health, and safety communities of practice. Do you have a problem you need to solve and want the opinions of your colleagues? This is where we come together to help each other.
IHMM credentialed professionals are at the top 1% of their professions and their reach is global. We are at the forefront of environmental protection, health, and safety and this is where collaborating with the best people in their fields, always willing to help one another, lessens the stress of our jobs, and where we strive as a team to make a difference of which we are proud.
We opened COLLABORATION to enable thousands of certificants and supporters to collaborate together. You can collaborate here.
Access to COLLABORATION is through the same username/password you use to access your MYIHMM account. Having a problem? Contact Jimmy Nguyen at [email protected]

Retiring? IHMM Invites You to Become an Emeritus
You may have decided, after a long and successful career, to retire from active daily duty. Congratulations. That doesn’t mean you have to completely disengage from your profession. IHMM is pleased to offer Emeritus status to all certificants who will no longer be actively engaged in their communities of practice but who still want to stay in touch. Please let us know when you’re approaching that decision and we will assist you in the credential transition.
Please contact Margaret Toscano at [email protected] and she’ll be happy to help you.
Columbia Southern University
The Hazardous Materials Society [HMS] is a partner of Columbia Southern University. Columbia Southern University is an online university based in Orange Beach, Alabama, that strives to change and improve lives through higher education by enabling students to maximize their professional and personal potential.
A subsidiary of Columbia Southern Education Group, CSU offers online degree programs at the associate, bachelor, master, doctorate or certificate levels in a multitude of areas such as occupational safety and health, fire administration, criminal justice, business administration, human resource management, health care administration and more. CSU also features undergraduate and graduate certificate programs to provide focused training in specialized areas for adult learners.
Click on the CSU graphic at left and learn more about the professional development and degree program opportunities at CSU.
IHMM will attend and support a number of conferences and trade shows throughout 2023, virtually as well as in-person as COVID issues allow. Below are some of the conferences IHMM will support in 2023.
Are there conferences you believe IHMM should attend that do not appear here? If so, let us know! Send an email to [email protected] and tell us what conferences we should attend.

ASSP Greater San Jose and San Francisco Chapters Safety Symposium
San Ramon Marriott – Thank you Bart Miller for leading this effort
March 9, 2023

ASSP Safety Conference and Exposition
San Antonio, TX
June 5-7, 2023

National Safety Council Congress & Expo
New Orleans, LA
October 23-25, 2023
IHMM has a companion organization for which education and training programs are presented and delivered. The Hazardous Materials Society education and training website can be found here.
9210 Corporate Boulevard, Suite 470
Rockville, Maryland, 20850
www.ihmm.org | [email protected]
Phone: 301-984-8969 | Fax: 301-984-1516