Thursday, May 2, 2024
EHS Professional is an online publication of the Institute of Hazardous Materials Management (IHMM).
Other than content specifically provided by IHMM, articles contained in EHS Professional are compiled from independent sources and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of IHMM.
Certified Pandemic Preparedness Specialist™ (CPPS™)
America and the World were not prepared for COVID-19, and according to the federal government, we are not ready for the next pandemic. IHMM has created the Certified Pandemic Preparedness Specialist™ [CPPS™] microcredential as our contribution to being prepared for the next pandemic. A Certified Pandemic Preparedness Specialist™ (CPPS™) microcredential holder is first a CHMM or CSHM credentialed professional who has demonstrated, through education, experience, and examination, the ability to identify and assess the risks associated with pathogens and their effect on public health, commerce, industry, and/or government operations.
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IHMM Credential Recognition
Below you will see the EHS credential badges that are now in each CSHM, CSMP, ASHM, CSSM, and Student ASHM certificant’s MYIHMM account. Every IHMM certificant may use these badges, linked as those below are to their IHMM credential page, for their email signatures, business cards, and other social media applications. You’re justifiably proud of the accomplishment of having earned your credential and you can show the rest of the world. Simply right-click on the badge of choice, then save as to your computer, and then load it to wherever you want to use it and please link that back to

IHMM Certificant Recognition
Throughout our certificant’s MYIHMM accounts are placed 10-year, 20-year, 30-year, and 40-year badges signifying their longevity as an IHMM certified professional.
With a link from your credential badge to the IHMM website [see above] you can not only stand out as an IHMM-certified professional, you can also promote IHMM credentials to others. Right-click on the badge of choice, save as to your computer, and then load it to whatever medium you choose.

IHMM has Distinguished Diplomates and Fellows of the Institute badges to the appropriate people in the MYIHMM database. These two badges are accompanied by lapel pins sent to each of those distinguished by holding these designations.
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IHMM is in all 50 of the United States and in 85 countries around the world.

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Need Help? On the IHMM website just click on the “NEED HELP?” button
and let us know what you need and the right person will get right back with you.
IHMM RECENT NEWS for EHS Professionals
CDC updates guidance on protecting workers from bird flu
WCRI study: Injured workers face greater psychosocial risks during recovery
Pregnant Workers Fairness Act set to go into effect June 18
Employing New Drug Testing Technologies to Tackle Evolving Safety Challenges
Advancing Laboratory Safety: The Evolution Towards Dynamic Air Quality Control
Which Universities Are Experiencing Pro-Palestine Protests?
Gun Violence Continues as Texas Fortifies Schools
Security Executives Want Integrators to Be Long-Term Partners, Not Just Salespeople
DOJ Releases School Safety Funding Opportunities
Local Schools Awarded $3.1 Million to Boost Security, Mental Health
How an MTSS Can Support Anti-Bullying Initiatives in Schools
Tennessee governor signs bills to allow armed teachers nearly a year after deadly Nashville shooting
UT and Texas Governor Face Criticism for Their Handling of Pro-Palestine Protesters
Inland Lakes hoping to improve school safety with bond proposal
An Updated List of States That Allow Campus Carry
9 Ways to Prove Sexual Assault Without Physical Evidence
Campus Safety Conference at EDspaces Registration Now Open
Iowa Governor Signs Bill to Arm School Staff
Area school districts share $5.4 million for safety, mental health support
Video of trespasser with knife at Kennedy High raises alarm about school safety
How Will the New Title IX Regulations Impact Sports?
What Are the Biggest Threats to School Safety? Politics, Lobbyists, and Predatory Sales Tactics
What you need to know about Texas’ school safety policies
The Crumbley Convictions: Who Should Be Held Responsible for School Shootings?
Applications Open for Several DHS FY24 Grant Programs
EPA aims to strengthen chemical risk evaluation process
Wheel weights and lead exposure: EPA asks for feedback
National COSH Reveals 2024 ‘Dirty Dozen’ List of Unsafe Employers
Hanover Foods Receives $761,876 in Penalties Following Multiple OSHA Inspections
Beating the Heat: Keeping Employees Safe Amid Rising Temperatures through Education and Training
Power Outage Preparedness: Essential Steps to Protect Against a Facility Failure
Automotive Manufacturer Faces OSHA Penalties After Fatal Workplace Incident
Enhancing Safety Practices for Essential Workers in Food Production
Safety professionals invited to share experiences with head protection
How can renewable energy improve safety in manufacturing?
Ground-level changes drive ergonomic, employee-wellbeing improvements
Maintaining worker safety on the packaging line
New hazard alert focuses on falls from portable ladders
US Department of Labor Cites 2 Florida Construction Contractors After Finding Lack of Crane Safety Protocols Led to 37-Year-Old Employee’s Fatal Injuries
Solid waste industry should embrace Total Worker Health, researchers say
Workers Memorial Day: Agencies mourn, AFL-CIO releases report
New alert warns miners of arc flashes
Tamuning Contractor Faces $1m in Penalties After Federal Inspectors Find Employees Again Exposed to Potentially Fatal Trench Hazards
New video touts the benefits of a strong safety climate
DOL Supports Families of Fallen Workers on Workers’ Memorial Day
Mine Manager Pleads Guilty to Second-Degree Manslaughter for Recklessly Operating Crane That Killed Grafton Mine Mechanic
OSHA Finds Florida Labor Contractor Could Have Prevented Fatal Heatstroke Incident
National Safe Digging Month aims to raise awareness for safe excavation practices
Inside IHMM
IHMM Enters Its 40th Year
On December 3, 1984 the Institute of Hazardous Materials Management was created with the Certified Hazardous Materials Manager® [CHMM®] credential. John H. Frick, Harold M. Gordon, John J. McCambridge, and Richard A. Young created what would become an Institute that offers 11 professional credentials across Hazardous Materials/Dangerous Goods and EHS Work Place Safety communities of practice in all 50 of the United States and 85 other countries.
IHMM thanks its hundreds of volunteer leaders, thousands of certificants and companies who support IHMM through strengthening its ability to extend its reach and allow us all to live up to why we exist our vision, and our mission…
Why We Exist
We believe there is only one Earth; our passion is to protect it.
Our Vision
IHMM credentials and competency standards are embraced worldwide
Our Mission
IHMM sets standards of excellence for professional credentials to advance the global environmental, health, and safety communities of practice.

Thank you,
John Coniglio!

LAST DAY At Modern Day Marine
From April 30 – May 2 IHMM has booth 451 at the Modern Day Marine trade show at the DC Convention Center in Washington.
Modern Day Marine is the largest military equipment, systems, services, and technology exposition exclusively targeted to Marines and the Corps. The show floor hosts more than 300 exhibitors displaying the latest warfighting innovations and technology, briefings from influential Marines and DoD personnel, the OBJ1 Wargaming Convention, and more.
Come visit IHMM in booth 451 and say hello to Rosie!
There are 925,962 full-time occupational health and safety job openings in the United States via ZipRecruiter today – 29,000 of which pay more than $85,000 a year for CSHMs or CSMPs

Excellence in EHS Management Award
The Excellence in EHS Management Award recognizes an individual who has excelled in their role as an EHS manager. The Institute for Hazardous Materials Management [IHMM] will present the award at the annual National Safety Council Expo.
The honoree will receive a commemorative plaque and be recognized in a press release and IHMM member communications. Travel expenses to the award ceremony will be subsidized. If traveling from overseas IHMM will pay travel expenses from the nearest port of entry.
Nominations will be accepted from March through July of each year and the presentation to the winner will be in conjunction with the National Safety Council Congress and Expo [Sept 13-19, 2024 in Orlando]
For more information and the Excellence in EHS Management Award Nomination Form Go Here
IHMM Recertification Videos
Recert Video #1
Recert Video #2
IHMM is pleased to release two YouTube instructional videos about navigating the IHMM recertification process. These step-by-step videos easily enable IHMM certificants to start and complete a recertification application.
While the full recertification cycle is 5 years, IHMM encourages all certificants to start a recertification application and add certification maintenance points as they are earned to make the final submission quick and easy to accomplish.
Full recertification information is found here >>
Questions about your recertification may be made to either Jimmy Nguyen [email protected] of Jelian Larbi [email protected]
The Dr. John H Frick Memorial IHMM Scholarship Program – Deadline 10/18/2024
The Institute of Hazardous Materials Management is pleased to have created $32,000 in academic scholarships, divided equally between $16,000 for students enrolled in undergraduate or graduate education in approved schools and who are also Student CHMMs, and $16,000 for students enrolled in undergraduate or graduate education in approved schools and who are also Student ASHMs.
IHMM seeks to foster the growth and academic success of students whose courses of education, and participation in one of our Student certifications, will lead to those students becoming fully-certified IHMM credential holders later in their professional lives.
Go to >

A Collaborative Culture
There are 1,323 different conversations going on in the IHMM/HMS Collaboration platform this week.
A collaborative culture is important for every business but is especially important for our hazardous materials, dangerous goods, environment, health, and safety communities of practice. Do you have a problem you need to solve and want the opinions of your colleagues? This is where we come together to help each other.
IHMM credentialed professionals are at the top 1% of their professions and their reach is global. We are at the forefront of environmental protection, health, and safety and this is where collaborating with the best people in their fields, always willing to help one another, lessens the stress of our jobs, and where we strive as a team to make a difference of which we are proud.
We opened COLLABORATION to enable thousands of certificants and supporters to collaborate together.
You can collaborate here.
Access to COLLABORATION is through the same username/password you use to access your MYIHMM account. Having a problem? Contact Jimmy Nguyen at [email protected]
IHMM Organizing Broader Government Affairs Activities – Call for Volunteers
In strategic planning on August 17, 2023 IHMM created a strategic imperative to create a broader government affairs operation on behalf of, and with the assistance of, all of IHMM’s certificants.
- Federal Government – Regulatory
We need a group of people watching Federal regulatory developments to advise when taking action can be helpful and raise our visibility in the agencies. - Federal Government – Congress
We need a group of people watching legislation to advise us when taking action can be helpful and raise our visibility in Congress.
- State Governments – Regulatory
We need a group of people watching state regulatory developments to advise when taking action can be helpful and raise our visibility in the agencies. - State Governments – Legislatures
We need a group of people watching legislation to advise us when taking action can be helpful and raise our visibility in state legislatures.
If you want to make a difference in the recognition of your credentials and build on the successful record we have achieved thus far – we need you to volunteer. Learn more by visiting our Government Affairs Committee page, and get involved with government affairs. You can volunteer for one, two, three or all four of the segments of the committee’s work. That’s up to you!

IHMM CSHMⓇ 2022 Salary Survey
IHMM is pleased to release its 2022 salary survey for Certified Safety and Health Managers Ⓡ [CSHMⓇ] across a broad range of position titles in the CSHMⓇ community of practice.

IHMM – 26 Fellows Are Mentors
IHMM Fellows Committee Chair Atanu Das, CHMM, is leading the effort within the IHMM Collaboration networking platform to engage both 26 IHMM Fellows as Mentors and anyone who seeks some assistance as Mentees.
Given the extraordinary experience Fellows have, this is a unique opportunity for IHMM Fellows to help guide more recent certificants in their professional development activities. This article from ASAE magazine outlines how a mentoring program can become more successful – engagement!
IHMM’s Collaboration platform contains a “Mentor Match” module [see below at right] that allows mentors to signup designating the hours, number of mentees, subject areas, and length of time they wish to mentor – as well as allowing mentees to signup requesting assistance in specified areas. The mentor match module does the rest by matching mentors and mentees.

IHMM Government Affairs

IHMM Proposes Changes in Government Recognition of Credentials
IHMM submitted comments on OSHA Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and Health (ACCSH): Notice of Meetings concerning OSHA-2024-0002-0007, and highlighted the creation of IHMM’s Certified Pandemic Preparedness Specialist [CPPS] credential.
State of Maine Department of Environmental Protection is proposing to update Chapter 851, Standards for Generators of Hazardous Waste. In the current regulation, work is required by a professional engineer. IHMM is proposing to include an environmental professional as defined by 40 CFR §312.10.
Beltway Buzz – Ogletree Deakins
FTC Prohibits Non-Competes. On April 24, 2024 the Federal Trade Commission voted 3-2 to finalize its Non-Compete Clause Rule, which effectively prohibits the use of non-compete provisions. The rule fulfills—at least for the time being—a 2020 campaign promise that then-presidential candidate Joe Biden made to “eliminate all non-compete agreements.” The sweeping rule contains an expansive definition of non-compete agreements, which includes other contractual arrangements such as certain nondisclosure and training repayment agreements. The rule also applies retroactively by invalidating non-compete contracts that have already been negotiated and bargained over. If this sounds a lot like contract law, you’re spot on. As contractual agreements, non-competes have traditionally fallen under the purview of state contract law. This is part of why the employer community is so concerned with the FTC’s action. Already, multiple legal challenges have been filed challenging the regulation. Scott R. McLaughlin, Christine Bestor Townsend, James J. Plunkett, and Tobias E. Schlueter have the details.
DOL Finalizes Overtime Changes. On April 23, 2024, the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Wage and Hour Division released its regulation, “Defining and Delimiting the Exemptions for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales, and Computer Employees.” As suspected, the final regulation increases the salary threshold for exempt status (i.e., employees making below this prescribed status will automatically be eligible for overtime pay), increases the highly compensated employee (HCE) exemption, and includes an automatic salary escalator provision. The regulation takes a tiered approach to increasing the salary threshold. Beginning on July 1, 2024, the figure will jump from the current $35,568 to $43,888. The figure will then increase to $58,656 on January 1, 2025. In addition, beginning July 1, 2027, this salary threshold level will automatically update—without notice-and-comment rulemaking—every three years. Charles E. McDonald, III, Keith E. Kopplin, and Zachary V. Zagger have the details. If this all sounds familiar, recall that DOL attempted a similar increase of the salary threshold in 2016, only to have it invalidated in federal court. The Buzz expects no shortage of legal challenges this time around, too.
DOL Issues Final Fiduciary Rule. On April 25, 2024, the DOL’s Employee Benefits Security Administration published a final rule entitled, “Retirement Security Rule: Definition of an Investment Advice Fiduciary.” According to the rule’s preamble, “The final rule defines when a person is a fiduciary in connection with providing advice to an investor saving for retirement through a workplace retirement plan or other type of retirement plan such as an IRA.” Pursuant to the final rule, an individual will be considered an investment advice fiduciary if he or she provides a recommendation (for a fee) while (1) either directly or indirectly making professional investment recommendations to investors on a regular basis; or (2) while representing or acknowledging that he or she is acting as a fiduciary. DOL states, “The final rule is designed to ensure that retirement investors’ reasonable expectations are honored when they receive advice from financial professionals who hold themselves out as trusted advice providers.” Like the overtime rule, DOL issued a similar fiduciary rule in 2016 that was also struck down.
OSHA Publishes 2023 Injury and Illness Statistics. Late last week, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration published 2023 workplace injury and illness data. The data includes “specific information submitted by more than 375,000 establishments on OSHA Form 300A Summary of Work-Related Injuries,” as well as “partial data from more than 850,000 OSHA Form 300 Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses and Form 301 Injury and Illness Incident Report records.” Covered employers are required to submit the data annually pursuant to OSHA’s Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses regulation published in July 2023.
DOL on the Clock for AI Best Practices. April 27, 2024, is the deadline for the DOL to issue best practices pursuant to President Biden’s Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence. The executive order (EO), issued on October 30, 2023, gives DOL 180 days to “publish principles and best practices for employers that could be used to mitigate AI’s potential harms to employees’ well-being and maximize its potential benefits.” Other employment policy–related directives in the EO, such as guidance relating to AI and the Fair Labor Standards Act and guidance for federal contractors regarding nondiscriminatory hiring involving AI, are either not time bound, or are due within one year of the EO, respectively.

Regulatory Updates
Date: | Subject: | Document Type: | Part: |
4/29/2024 | Pipeline Safety: Periodic Updates of Regulatory References to Technical Standards and Miscellaneous Amendments | Rule | 192, 195 |
4/15/2024 | Pipeline Safety: Meeting of the Gas Pipeline Advisory Committee | Notice | 191 192 193 |
- Department of Labor Issues its Fall 2023 Regulatory Agenda – Read more here
- Environmental Protection Agency Issues its Fall 2023 Regulatory Agenda – Read more here
- Department of Transportation Issues Fall 2023 Regulatory Agenda – Read more here

Professional Certification Coalition
IHMM is a member of the PCC. The PCC monitors state and federal legislative and regulatory activity affecting professional certification on an ongoing basis. The PCC has compiled several “Watchlists” identifying and analyzing provisions in pending legislation at both the state and federal level that, under applicable rules, may still be enacted in the current legislative session. Depending on the carry-over rules in the relevant legislature, the charts listing current legislation may include bills introduced in a prior year. In addition, the PCC compiles each year a chart of enacted legislation that affects certification. The charts include hyperlinks to every bill or executive order. Note that the Watchlist and the Enacted Legislation document do not include profession-specific legislation and do not include regulatory initiatives. The charts will be updated as needed based on new developments.
State legislation tracked this week…

Tomorrow’s Workforce Coalition
We are thrilled to share that 800 organizations have now joined the Tomorrow’s Workforce Coalition!
Our association community created the Tomorrow’s Workforce Coalition to advocate for legislation that would help strengthen the economy now and into the future: the bipartisan, bicameral Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act (S. 722 / H.R. 1477). This commonsense bill would allow people to use 529 savings plans funds to help pay for job training and credentials, such as licenses and certifications, and shift the 529 paradigm from “college savings plans” to “career savings plans.” Learn more and join the effort today!
Important Stories for IHMM Certificants

EPA Issues Asbestos Part 2 Draft Risk Evaluation, Preliminarily Determines That Asbestos Poses Unreasonable Risk to Human Health
On April 16, 2024, EPA announced the availability of and requested public comment on a draft document titled “Draft Risk Evaluation for Asbestos Part 2: Supplemental Evaluation Including Legacy Uses and Associated Disposals of Asbestos.” 89 Fed. Reg. 26878. EPA is evaluating legacy uses and associated disposals of asbestos, including chrysotile asbestos, five additional fiber types, asbestos-containing talc, and Libby asbestos. EPA states that it has used the best available science to determine preliminarily that asbestos poses unreasonable risk to human health. EPA will hold a webinar on May 13, 2024, to provide an overview of its risk evaluation. To receive the webcast meeting link and audio teleconference information before the meeting, registration had to be completed by 12:00 p.m. (EDT) on April 25, 2024. Requests for special accommodations are due by 5:00 p.m. (EDT) on May 6, 2024. Comments are due June 17, 2024. EPA has entered into a consent decree to complete the final risk evaluation by December 1, 2024. Please read the full memorandum for more information on this draft risk evaluation.

Revised Title IX Regulations Are Finally Here: What Has Changed and What to Do Next
Three legal experts explain two major Title IX revisions and the steps schools must take to meet the Aug. 1 compliance deadline.
On April 19, 2024, the U.S. Department of Education released the unofficial version of the final revisions to the Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) regulations, several months ahead of the late summer 2024 anticipated release date.
These regulations will be published in the Federal Register on April 29, 2024, and will take effect on August 1, 2024, applying to complaints of sex discrimination and harassment involving alleged conduct that occurs on or after that date.
The revised regulations largely track those proposed way back in June of 2022 and alter how colleges and universities that receive federal funding must respond to reports of sex discrimination and harassment. The most significant changes to the regulations are described below.
Read more by clicking here.

Safe + Sound Week 2024
Safe + Sound Week will be held from August 12-18, 2024.
Registration will open in July. Resources on how to participate will be released in the coming months. Stay tuned for more information! In the meantime, visit the Safe + Sound event archive to view participation from previous years.
NIOSH Mental Health Resources
NIOSH launched an Impact Wellbeing Guide: Taking Action to Improve Healthcare Worker Wellbeing. This Guide offers six concrete Action Steps that hospital leaders can take to accelerate or supplement professional well-being efforts in their hospitals. It was developed in partnership with the Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes Foundation and tested in six CommonSpirit hospitals across the U.S.
Participate in the Fall Stand-Down
The 11th Annual National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction will take place from May 6-10, 2024. Join us to help prevent fall hazards in the workplace by participating in the Stand-Down.

Safe and Sound Campaign; Revision of the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements
OSHA solicits public comments concerning the proposal to revise the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) approval of the information collection requirements specified in the Safe and Sound Campaign.
Comments must be submitted (postmarked, sent, or received) by June 28, 2024.

2024 National Safety Stand Down to Prevent Falls in Construction
In advance of the 11th Annual National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction on May 6 – 10, 2024, we want to share several new tools and resources to assist workplaces in preparing for and participating in the Stand-Down, as well as ways to get involved:
- 2024 Fall Stand Down Poster
- 2024 Stand-Down officially announced:
- February 1, 2024 OSHA QuickTakes
- Resources and Handouts:
- 2024 Fall Stand-Down Poster (English/Spanish) (also attached)
- Hardhat Stickers and Hazard Alert Cards
- Get Involved:
- If you plan to host a free event that is open to the public and want to post your event on OSHA’s webpage, you may submit the event details here or contact your Regional Stand-Down Coordinator to learn more.
- Do you have fall prevention resources in other languages? We would love to include them in our Fall Prevention Resources: Additional Languages Page. Please send resources to Jessica Bunting: [email protected]
As a reminder, anyone who wants to prevent fall hazards in the workplace can participate in the Stand-Down. Companies can conduct a Safety Stand-Down by taking a break for a toolbox talk or other safety activities such as conducting safety equipment inspections, developing rescue plans, or discussing job-specific hazards. Consider planning a stand-down event that works for your workplace. See Highlights from Past Stand-Downs.

Informational Webinar:
STOP School Violence Program FY2024 Solicitation Networking Drop-In
The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) office have released their 2024 solicitations. If you’re an interested applicant, there will be a live, informational webinar on 5/9 from 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET. If you have any questions regarding the BJA, COPS, or the (not yet released) OJJDP solicitations, you can submit them via the form linked on the webinar page by 5/6. To learn more and register for the webinar, click on the button here.
It’s National Youth Violence Prevention Week, an annual event aimed at raising awareness about the pressing issue of youth violence and fostering dialogue on effective prevention strategies. It marks a collective effort to empower communities, educators, parents, and young people with the tools and knowledge needed to address and mitigate violence among youth. We offer the following resources to help support the school community in youth violence prevention efforts:
- Youth Violence Prevention Action Kit
- What is Youth Violence? Video
- Promoting Mental Health and Well-Being in Schools: An Action Guide for School and District Leaders
- Bullying Prevention and Preparedness Modelling Webinar
Networking Drop-In
BJA/COPS STOP grantees, join us on 5/15 from 12-1 PM ET or 3-4 PM ET, for our monthly Networking Drop-In session. This informal gathering allows you to connect, pose questions, and engage with fellow individuals involved in school safety initiatives. The sessions are not recorded. A Zoom link will be shared with you prior to the event (note: this link is the same every month). Add to Calendar.
- Funding Opportunity – NIJ FY24 Research and Evaluation on School Safety
- Funding Opportunity – School-Based Mental Health Services Grant Program
- Funding Opportunity – Mental Health Service Professional Demonstration Grant Program

DOL Will Host Online Workplace Compliance Event in May 2024
The two-day event—which aims to guide companies in meeting federal compliance regulations—takes place on May 8-9, 2024.
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) will host a two-day online forum titled “Ensuring a Strong Foundation of Compliance with Federal Labor Laws in Construction” on May 8-9, 2024. The event runs from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CDT each day, addressing aspects of compliance with federal laws governing wages, safety and other workplace issues.
According to a recent release, the forum will feature presentations and panel discussions with the Bureau of Labor Statistics, OSHA, the Wage and Hour Division, the Employment Benefits Security Administration, the Employment and Training Administration, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, the Office of Labor-Management Standards, Veterans’ Employment Training Service and the Women’s Bureau.
Read more by clicking here.

Industrial Hygienists Should Join Efforts to Establish Recovery-Ready Workplaces
The opinions in this post are the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect those of AIHA, The Synergist, or SynergistNOW.
Substance use disorder is one of the most challenging problems facing workers and employers in the United States. While alcohol accounts for the largest portion of workers with substance use disorder, opioids have played an increasing role over the last 25 years. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), in 2020, more than 9.3 million people misused prescription opioids. Meanwhile, illegal opioids, primarily fentanyl, are responsible for increases in overdose deaths, with CDC stating that more than 110,000 Americans died from drug overdoses in 2022, the most ever reported. This trend continues today. Often, multiple substances, especially alcohol and benzodiazepines, are found in the toxicology profiles of people who died from overdoses.

OSHA releases 2023 injury and illness data
OSHA has published the 2023 data collected under its revised rules for annual injury and illness data submission.
Among that data is Form 300A information from more than 375,000 establishments. Partial data also is available from more than 850,000 submissions of OSHA Forms 300 and 301.
Effective Jan. 1, OSHA required establishments with 100 or more employees in some high-hazard industries to annually submit data from Forms 300 and 301 – in addition to Form 300A – by March 2.
Read more by clicking here.
IHMM Credential Recognition
The highest priority of IHMM’s Government Affairs Committee is the recognition of IHMM’s credentials by government. We have made substantial progress in the two years we have undertaken this endeavor, as outlined in detail here >
In this project we have 45-in-5, increasing the number of states that recognize IHMM credentials.
- We have already succeeded in 13 states – New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Indiana, California, Colorado, Nebraska, Minnesota, Arkansas, Oklahoma. Ohio, North Dakota, and Georgia. [Red states in the map above]. These are states where IHMM credentials are cited or 40 CFR 312.10 is cited by reference.
- We have partially succeeded in another 16 states – Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Arizona, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Florida, Delaware, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, and Maine. [Orange/Black Stripe states in the map above] These are states where the requirements of an “environmental professional” or QEP are cited that coincide with an IHMM credential so that relatively little work would need to be done to clarify the desired outcome.
- We have 21 states where no reference to an IHMM credential is made in either statute or regulation, nor is there anything defined in the area of an environmental professional. These states will require legislation or regulatory work. [Yellow states in the map above].
in January 2022 Gene Guilford released the 40 CFR § 312.10 EPA regulation that states a private certification that meets or exceeds the requirements of the regulation is an Environmental Professional under the regulation. Here is the crosswalk between the 40 CFR § 312.10 EPA regulation and the Certified Hazardous Materials Manager [CHMM] blueprint. The CHMM meets or exceeds the requirements of an Environmental Professional.
Here’s what we ask each volunteer to do:
- Watch legislative and regulatory developments in your state that provide an opportunity for us to create amendments or other interventions
- Be willing to speak with regulators and legislators in your area about the recognition efforts we craft together

Retiring? IHMM Invites You to Become an Emeritus
You may have decided, after a long and successful career, to retire from active daily duty. Congratulations. That doesn’t mean you have to completely disengage from your profession. IHMM is pleased to offer Emeritus status to all certificants who will no longer be actively engaged in their communities of practice but who still want to stay in touch. Please let us know when you’re approaching that decision and we will assist you in the credential transition.
Please contact Jimmy Nguyen at [email protected] and he’ll be happy to help you.
News from IHMM Affiliates

National Safety Council
IHMM is a member of the National Safety Council and is pleased to bring this important information to all of its certificants.
NSC News
CDC updates guidance on protecting workers from bird flu
New hazard alert focuses on falls from portable ladders
GAO calls on FAA to better examine drone flights near airports
Solid waste industry should embrace Total Worker Health, researchers say
EPA aims to strengthen chemical risk evaluation process
Workers Memorial Day: Agencies mourn, AFL-CIO releases report
NSC Webinars
ASSP Webinars
May 2 – Live Virtual Classroom: Fundamentals of Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems
May 2-May 30 – ONLINE COURSE : Corporate Safety Management
May 6 – Stand-Up for Standards: ANSI/ASSP Fall Protection and Fall Restraint Implementation and Impact for OSH Professionals
May 9-June 6 – ONLINE COURSE: Integrating ISO 45001 to Manage Occupational Health & Safety
May 30-June 27 – ONLINE COURSE: Safety Management II
For a complete list of ASSP Webinars, click here.
ASSP Standards-Based Education
The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) will host a third installment of its workplace safety education series called “Stand Up for Standards.” A live two-hour webinar on safety management systems will take place at 11 a.m. CT on March 29, helping safety and health professionals create a road map for identifying hazards and eliminating risks to improve organizational performance.
“Stand Up for Standards: ANSI/ASSP Safety Management Systems” will provide an overview and implementation practices for the ANSI/ASSP Z10.0-2019 standard.
Safety experts Amy Timmerman, M.S., CSP, CHES, Danyle Hepler, CSP, CESCO, CPEA, Joe Wolfsberger, M.S., CSP, CIH, and Greg Zigulis, CSP, CIH, CHSP, will share real-world experiences and practical guidance to help attendees reduce injuries, illnesses and fatalities on work sites across various industries.
ASSP Standards News
- Approval of ISO 45004 FDIS [measurement] – December 2023 – Closed on January 10th and the results were sent to the TAG membership
- Approval of ISO 45001 Interpretation of Dec 2023
- The ISO 45006 ballot [pandemics] is currently out to adopt the document as an ANSI Registered Technical Report. The ballot for ISO 45006 will end on February 23rd
- Approval of NWIP [New Work Item Proposal] For Proposed ISO 45008 [remote workers]
The U.S. TAG to ANSI for ISO TC283 approved ISO 45002 and ISO 45006 as ANSI registered technical reports.
- ISO/ASSP TR 45002-2023: Occupational health and safety management systems – General guidelines for the implementation of ISO 45001:2018
- ISO/ASSP TR 45006-2023: Occupational health and safety management – Guidelines for organizations on preventing and managing infectious diseases
At this point, the adoption process is complete. We will conclude limited public review and then move forward with publication of ISO 45002 and ISO 45006 as an ANSI Registered Technical Report[s].

The graphic to the left illustrates the relationship between IHMM and HMS. IHMM formed HMS to serve IHMM’s certificants. IHMM offers a variety of professional credentials and HMS creates education and training programs to serve the applicants and certificants of those credentials.

HMS Jobs Board
Listing available jobs is free, and done on the HMS site here > Jobs – Hazardous Materials Society (
Technician – TSDF – Republic Services – Williston, FL
Operations Manager – Environmental Solutions – Republic Services – Elizabeth, NJ

Aarcher Institute, IHMM, and HMS’ New Training Partner Offers Courses for 2024
April 30-May 3, 2024 | Online and In Person | |
May 7-8, 2024 | Online and In Person | |
May 21-24, 2024 | Online and In Person | |
June 4-6, 2024 | Online and In Person | |
June 11-13, 2024 | Online and In Person | |
June 11-14, 2024 | Hilton Head, SC | |
June 25-28, 2024 | Online and In Person | |
July 9-12, 2024 | San Diego, CA | |
July 9-11, 2024 | Online | |
July 16-17, 2024 | Online | |
July 23-24, 2024 | Online and In Person | |
July 30-Aug 2, 2024 | Online and In Person | |
Aug 13-16, 2024 | Online and In Person | |
Aug 13-15, 2024 | NEPA NAVIGATOR™ | In Person |
Aug 27-28, 2024 | Online and In Person | |
Sept 11-13, 2024 | Online and In Person | |
Sept 11-12, 2024 | Online and In Person | |
Sept 17-19, 2024 | Online and In Person | |
Sept 24-26, 2024 | Online and In Person | |
October 1-4, 2024 | Online and In Person | |
October 8-9, 2024 | Online and In Person | |
October 22-25, 2024 | Online and In Person | |
October 29-30, 2024 | Online | |
Oct 31-Nov 1, 2024 | Online and In Person | |
Nov 5-8, 2024 | Online and In Person | |
Nov 13-15, 2024 | In Person | |
Nov 19-22, 2024 | Online and In Person | |
Dec 3-4, 2024 | Online and In Person | |
Dec 10-12, 2024 | Online |
AIHA, HMS Training Partner, Adds Courses for IHMM Certificants
American Industrial Hygiene Association [AIHA] an HMS training partner, has added its first of many courses approved in advance for earning IHMM recertification certification maintenance points. We are pleased to promote these programs in support of IHMM certificants holding the CHMM, CHMP, CSHM, and CSMP credentials. Thank you, AIHA.
Bowen EHS, HMS Training Partner, Adds Courses for IHMM Certificants
Bowen EHS, an HMS training partner, has had 4 courses approved in advance for earning IHMM recertification certification maintenance points. We are pleased to promote these programs as reviewed and approved by the HMS Education and Training Committee, chaired by Diana Lundelius. Thank you Bowen EHS and thank to HMS’ Education and Training Committee.
Thank you Bowen EHS for contributing programs enabling IHMM certificants to engage in professional development and earn important CMPs! All three of the new Bowen EHS programs are available online and on demand.
Daily | Emergency Management Self-Paced PDC | Online |
Thank you Bowen EHS for contributing programs enabling IHMM certificants to engage in professional development and earn important CMPs! All three of the new Bowen EHS programs are available online and on demand.
Easily Find Courses to Help You Pass IHMM Credential Exams
A core mission of EHS is education and training. Part of that mission includes assembling the best and most effective courses to assist IHMM applicants in passing their IHMM credential exams.
CSHM® Prep Courses
CSMP® Prep Courses

HMS Makes Finding Courses to Earn CMPs Easy
Every year more than 1,600 IHMM certificants have to recertify their credentials, evidenced their continuing commitment to improvement and learning to elevate their professional credential.
Earning Certification Maintenance Points [CMPs] is illustrated under Recertification of Your Credential, that includes the Recertification Claims Manual – Appendix A, that details all of the ways a certificant may earn CMPs >
Having mastered that manual, how does an IHMM certificant find courses to earn CMPs?
HMS has made that simple and easy.
- Go to
- Scroll down until you see a row of buttons…click on the CMPs button
The system will then generate all of the courses on the HMS E&T platform with IHMM CMPs already attached.
The next developments by the HMS E&T committee will refine available courses’ CMPs by individual credential!

Donate to HMS
One of the most important projects of the Hazardous Materials Society is our Scholarship Program.
HMS wants to make it as easy as possible for those who cannot always afford to participate in pursuing certification, or keeping up with professional development, or attending great conferences and receiving outstanding training. HMS does not solicit contributions from the general public. HMS does ask IHMM’s certificants and their companies and our education and training vendors to consider a contribution.
Here, through your generosity, you can make a difference in promoting the ability of those who can afford it least to become participants in our communities of practice.
It’s never too late to make a difference, so don’t let this opportunity to make a difference pass you by. Please consider a tax-deductible donation of $250, $500 or what you can to help build HMS’s effort to help others in our communities of practice.
IHMM will attend and support a number of conferences and trade shows throughout 2024, virtually as well as in-person as resources allow. In 2023 IHMM participated in the Bay Area ASSP conference, Ohio Safety conference, COSTHA Annual Meeting, AIHA Conference & Trade Show, ASSP Annual Conference, CUHMMC, AHMP, National Safety Conference and FET.
Are there conferences you believe IHMM should attend that are not named here? If so, let us know by sending an email to [email protected]

Modern Day Marine 2024
April 30-May 2, 2024
Visit IHMM at Booth #451
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC

AIHA Connect 2024
May 20-24, 2024
Visit IHMM in Booth #1308
Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, OH
IHMM-HMS Event Calendar
IHMM has a companion organization for which education and training programs are presented and delivered. The Hazardous Materials Society education and training website can be found here.
9210 Corporate Boulevard, Suite 470
Rockville, Maryland, 20850 | [email protected]
Phone: 301-984-8969 | Fax: 301-984-1516